For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Geography department page.

Total Credits Required 22-30*
AS 103 Observational and Solar System Astronomy [Div II] 4
GC 255 Physical Geology [Div II] 4
GC 385 Weather and Climate 4
GC 465 Hydrology 4
MSED 340 Fundamental Concepts in Science *4
MSED 350 Methods and Materials in Teaching Science Education *4
Geography Electives6-8
Choose from the following:
GC 202 Soils (4 cr.)
GC 225 Introduction to Maps (2 cr.)
GC 365 Historical Geology (4 cr.)
GC 370 Geomorphology (4 cr.)
GC 390 Oceanography (2 cr.)
*Not required if major is biology education, chemistry education, physics education or integrated science education.

Grade earned in methods course(s) is calculated with courses in the professional education sequence in the major.