For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the History department page.
Total Credits Required | 20-24 |
HS 101 History of Western Civilization to 1600 [Div I] or | 4 |
HS 102 History of Western Civilization Since 1600 (4 cr.) [Div I] | |
HS 105 World History [Div II] | 4 |
HS 127 The United States Since 1865 [Div II] | 4 |
HS Electives (No more than one course at the 200 level; at least one course at the 300-400 level) | 8 |
HS 350 Methods and Materials in Teaching Social Studies Education * | 4 |
*Not required if major is social studies education, economics education, geography education or political science education.
Grade earned in methods course(s) is calculated with courses in the Professional Education sequence in the major.
Bulletin Year:
2007 - 2008 Undergraduate Bulletin
| View the current NMU Catalog.