Completion of this major’s required health and fitness courses and the professional education sequence leads to certification as a school teacher in physical education (grades K-12). Students learn about human movement, such as the physiology of muscular activity, the neural and kinesiological basis of movement, measurement and evaluation of motor performance and methodology of teaching motor skills; how to develop personal skills in a variety of activities in addition to teaching skills; and acquire sensitivity to, and understanding of, human relations in the learning environment by participating in a variety of laboratory and field experiences.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Health, Physical Education and Recreation department page.

Total Credits Required 133
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Additional Health Promotion Electives2
Choose from the following:
HP 206 Backpacking (1 cr.)
HP 209 Bicycling-Mountain (1 cr.)
HP 216 Skating-Beginning (1 cr.) or
     HP 216A Skating-Figure (1 cr.) or
     HP 216B Skating-Intermediate Figure (1 cr.)
HP 217 Fly and Bait Casting (1 cr.)
HP 222 Hiking (1 cr.)
HP 228 Power Skating and Hockey (1 cr.)
HP 230 Rock Climbing (1 cr.)
HP 231 Skiing-Beginning Alpine (1 cr.)
HP 231A Skiing-Intermediate Alpine (1 cr.)
HP 231B Skiing-Cross Country (1 cr.)
HP 233 Showshoeing (1 cr.)
HP 238 Winter Camping (1 cr.)
HP 253 Adventure Based Learning (1 cr.)

Required Courses in Major33
Theory Courses27
PE 110 Introduction to Physical Education 2
PE 217 Motor Development and Elementary School Physical Education 3
PE 230 Fitness Leadership 2
HL 242 Emergency Health Care or2
     PE 241 Prevention and Care of Injuries (2 cr.)
PE 310 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education 3
PE 315 Physiology of Exercise 4
PE 317 Anatomical Kinesiology 2
PE 318 Motor Learning and Secondary School Physical Education 3
PE 346 Adapted Physical Education 2
PE 411 Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Athletics 2
Physical Education Electives (300 level or above)2
Activity Courses5
PE 100 Rhythmic Movement Fundamentals 0.5
PE 101 Volleyball 0.5
PE 103 Tumbling Activities 0.5
PE 199 Team Sports 0.5
PE 200 Track and Field 0.5
PE 201 Strength Training and Conditioning 0.5
PE 205 Tennis 0.5
PE 207 Badminton 0.5
PE 211 Dance Survey 1
PE 407 Apprentice Teaching 1

Teaching Minor, minimum24

Professional Education32
ED 201 Introduction to Education 2
ED 231 Teaching and Learning in the Secondary Classroom 4
ED 301 Dimensions of American Education 2
ED 319 Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers 3
ED 349 Teaching for Diversity, Equity and Social Justice in the Secondary School Community 2
PE 350 Methods and Materials in Teaching Physical Education 3
ED 361 Special Education and the General Classroom Teacher 2
ED 483 Educational Media Technology 2
ED 430 Teaching in the Secondary School 11
ED 450 Seminar in Teaching 1