Completion of this major’s required courses, a teaching minor and the professional education sequence leads to certification as a secondary school teacher in social studies.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the History department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 124
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Required Courses in Major*36
Choose two courses from the following:
EC 101 Introduction to Economics [Div II] or4
EC 201 Microeconomic Principles or4
EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles (4 cr.)
ENV 101 Introduction to Environmental Science [Div II] 4
GC 164 Human Geography [Div II] 4
HS 101 History of Western Civilization to 1600 [Div I] or4
     HS 102 History of Western Civilization Since 1600 (4 cr.) [Div I]
HS 127 The United States Since 1865 [Div II] 4
Political Science8
Choose two courses from the following:
PS 101 Introduction to Political Science [Div II] or4
PS 105 American Government [Div II] or4
PS 203 Comparative Government and Politics (4 cr.) or
PS 309 State and Local Government (4 cr.)

EC/GC/HS/PS Electives4
Must be a 300 level course if PS 309 is not taken above.

Other Required Courses12
HS 105 World History [Div I] 4
HS 126 The United States to 1865 [Div II] 4
GC 100 Physical Geography [Div II] 4

Teaching Minor, Minimum20-24
Professional Education33
ED 201 Introduction to Education 2
ED 231 Teaching for Learning in the Secondary Classroom 4
ED 301 Dimensions of American Education 2
ED 319 Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers 3
ED 349 Teaching for Diversity, Equity and Social Justice in the Secondary School Community 2
HS 350 Methods and Materials in Teaching Social Studies Education 4
ED 361 Special Education and the General Classroom Teacher 2
ED 430 Teaching in the Secondary School 11
ED 450 Seminar in Teaching 1
ED 483 Educational Media Technology 2

*Transfer students can complete the major by taking two courses—three semester hours each, minimum—in each of the four required areas. The additional credits comprising the 36 required hours may be accumulated by taking courses in any one or more of the four required areas.