Students with a major in secondary education special education must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater overall, in the major, and/or minor(s) with no grade below a "B-" in the professional education sequence and no grade below a "C" in the major and/or minor(s).

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Education, Leadership & Public Service, School of department page.

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Total Credits Required 145
General Education
Required Courses in Major30
ED 360 Orientation to Special Education 4
ED 402 Teaching Life Skills to Students with Disabilities 2
ED 403 Transition for Students with Disabilities 2
ED 404 Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities 2
ED 405 Diagnosis and Assessment in Special Education 4
ED 410 Legal Rights and Services 2
Choose one of the following specialty areas:14
A. Cognitive Impairments
ED 400 Introduction to Cognitive Impairment 4
ED 401 Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Students with Cognitive Impairment 4
ED 406 Supervised Apprenticeship in Teaching Students with Cognitive Impairment in K-12 Settings 2
SL 150 Introduction to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences 4
B. Emotional Impairment
ED 407 Introduction to Emotional Impairment 4
ED 408 Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Students with Emotional Impairment 4
ED 409 Supervised Apprenticeship in Teaching Students with Emotional Impairment in K-12 Settings 2
ED 411 Violence in Schools: Identification, Prevention and Intervention Strategies 4

Planned Program35
ED 201 Introduction to Education 2
ED 231 Teaching for Learning in the Secondary Classroom 4
ED 301 Dimensions of American Education 2
ED 311 Language Arts Methods and Materials for Elementary Teachers 3
ED 316 Elementary Reading Instruction I 3
ED 318 Elementary Reading Instruction II 3
ED 319 Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers 3
ED 380 Practicum in the Secondary School 2
ED 483 Educational Media Technology 2
MSED 150 Mathematics for the Elementary School Teacher I 4
MSED 151 Mathematics for the Elementary School Teacher II 4
ED 353 Methods and Materials in Teaching Elementary School Mathematics 3
Psychology Requirement8
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychological Science [SCII] 4
ABA 100 Principles of Behavior Analysis 4

Teaching Minor, minimum24

Professional Education12
Note: Students who elect to complete majors in both specialty areas must student teach in emotional impairment and cognitive impairment.
ED 423B Teaching Students with Cognitive Impairment in K-12 Schools or6
     ED 423C Teaching Students with Emotional Impairment in K-12 Schools (6 cr.)
ED 423D Teaching in the Secondary School 5
ED 450 Seminar in Teaching 1