Majors receive the bachelor of social work degree, which is recognized as the entry level credential for social work practice. Graduates are prepared as generalists for careers in mental health, health care, the court system, substance abuse and spouse abuse programs, among others.

Student interested in this major should refer to the program’s admission and professional standards, retention policy and field instruction guidelines outlined above.

Students must maintain a cumulative 2.50 grade point average in all course work applicable to the social work curricula, defined as all courses in the major, required minor(s) and other required courses.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Social Work department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 124
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Required Courses in Major48
SW 100 Exploring Social Work 4
SW 230 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I 4
SW 308 Methods of Social Research II 4
SW 331 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II 4
SW 341 Social Welfare Policy 4
SW 370 Generalist Practice Methods I 4
SW 372 Generalist Practice Methods II 4
SW 440 Social Work Policy Analysis 4
SW 472 Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations 4
SW 473 Integrative Seminar I 2
SW 474 Integrative Seminar II 2
SW 480 Senior Field Placement I 4
SW 481 Senior Field Placement II 4

Human Behavior Cluster Minor*28
AN 100 Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology [Div II] or4
     NAS 204 Native American Experience (4 cr.) [Div I] or
     HS 233 Native American History (4 cr.) [Div II] or
     HS 273 LGBT History (4 cr.) or
     HS 283 American Women's History (4 cr.) [Div I]
BI 100 Biological Science (4 cr.) [Div II] or3-5
     BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) [Div II] or
     BI 201 Human Anatomy (3 cr.) or
     BI 202 Human Physiology (5 cr.)
EC 101 Introduction to Economics [Div II] or4
     EC 201 Microeconomic Principles (4 cr.) or
     EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles (4 cr.) or
     EC 337 American Economic History (4 cr.) [Div II]
PY 100L Psychology as a Natural Science with Laboratory [Div II] or4
     PY 100G Psychology as a Social Science (4 cr.) [Div II] or
     PY 100H Honors Psychology as a Natural Science (4 cr.) [Div II] or
     PY 100S Psychology as a Natural Science (4 cr.) [Div II]
SO 101 Introductory Sociology [Div II] 4
SO 208 Methods of Social Research I [Div V] or4
     MA 171 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 cr.) [Div V] or
     PY 305 Psychological Statistics (4 cr.) [Div V]
SO 372 Minority Groups [Div II] or4
     SO 322 Social Class, Power and Mobility (4 cr.) [Div II] or
     SO 362 Gender and Society (4 cr.) [Div II]

*Transfer courses must be at least two-credit equivalents for each course. Transfer students can use electives from any discipline in the cluster to satisfy the 28 credit hour minimum.