This is a graduate school preparation program for students who have focused interests in sport and exercise science. The curriculum provides a strong foundation in the basic sciences of human biology, chemistry and physics and introductory-level study in the applied areas of exercise physiology, kinesiology/ biomechanics and sport nutrition. Successful graduates will have completed prerequisites for graduate study in more specific exercise science disciplines.

Sports Science – Athletic Training – 3 + 2 (Undergraduate and Masters)
Students in the 3 + 2 Sports Science/Athletic Training program will complete three years of undergraduate course work in the Sports Science major and then apply for admission to the Northern Michigan University Graduate School for the Master of Science in Athletic Training program. The admitted students will then complete two years of master’s level course work in athletic training. After five years, students will earn two degrees: a Bachelor of Science degree in Sports Science, and a Master of Science degree in Athletic Training.

Sports Science majors must achieve a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher in all major courses. Sports Science majors who intend to pursue the Masters in Athletic Training program are not required to complete the cluster minor.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Health and Human Performance, School of department page.

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Total Credits Required 120
General Education

With adviser approval students must select a cluster of cognate courses from two or more departments totaling 22 credit hours. A list of courses comprising the cluster must be submitted to the Registrar's Office before the second semester of the student's junior year.