Directed Studies in Mathematics
- Offered: On demand
- Graded: S/U
- Prerequisites: Junior standing and department head permission.
- Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.
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In this capstone course, a wide a variety of mathematical concepts and applications are studied and connections between them are explored. Students choose a senior project which explores relationships; either between different areas of mathematics or between an area of mathematics and an interesting external application. Students work closely with a faculty member on the senior project, which includes an oral presentation and a formal written submission. Senior standing or permission from the instructor is required, and this course is required for the major.
A historical view of mathematics. Studies in discovery, rigorization and generalization through abstraction.
Peano’s axioms, Euclidean algorithm, congruence, quadratic reciprocity law, Gaussian integers, continued fractions, Diophantine equations and theory of equations.