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General Chemistry I

CH 111 General Chemistry I 5 cr.  (3-1-3)

Survey of atomic structure, bonding, stoichiometry and the states of matter.

Introductory Organic and Biochemistry for the Health Sciences

CH 109 Introductory Organic and Biochemistry for the Health Sciences 4 cr.  (3-1-2)

An introduction to the different classes of organic molecules and their reactions which are applicable to biochemistry. Basic biochemical concepts including acid/base chemistry, structure and function of biomolecules and metabolic pathways which are involved in producing energy.

Chemical Principles

CH 105 Chemical Principles 4 cr.  (3-0-2)

Introduction to chemistry including contemporary applications and problems. Topics include states of matter, atomic and molecular structure, electrochemistry, energy, nuclear chemistry, organic and polymer chemistry.


Does not count to a major or minor in chemistry.


BI 499 Internship 1-6 cr.
  • Offered: Contact department for information
  • Graded: S/U
  • Prerequisites: Status in good standing with a minimum grade point average of 2.50 and a major in biology, botany or zoology; appropriate background for subject of internship; adviser, department head and cooperating agency supervisor permission.
  • Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.

Practical experience under the supervision of an experienced biologist, in an academic, governmental or private setting. A written report incorporating an evaluation and critique of the internship experience will be required. A course subtitle on the student’s transcript will describe the particular content of this course.


Application for internship must be made at the Biology Department office at least four weeks before the start of the internship. Field work may be required. Contact instructor for more information.

Directed Studies in Biology

BI 498 Directed Studies in Biology 1-4 cr.

An opportunity for qualified junior and senior students to conduct independent study other than independent scientific research projects.


May be repeated for up to 4 credits. Field work may be required. Contact instructor for more information.


BI 491 Seminar 1 cr.

Variable content, depending on instructor. Students read extensively from periodical literature and meet weekly for reports and discussion.


May be repeated if topic differs.

Aquatic Insect Ecology

BI 465 Aquatic Insect Ecology 4 cr.  (2-0-4)

Lectures covering the biology of aquatic insects. Laboratories emphasizing identification of local fauna and quantitative analyses of benthic invertebrate habitats and communities.


Field work may be required. Contact instructor for more information.


BI 463 Mammalogy 4 cr.  (3-0-2)

Lectures, laboratories and field trips dealing with evolution, systematics, morphology, reproduction, adaptive radiation and diversity, biological rhythms, ecology, behavior, diseases, identification, and domestication. The laboratory will emphasize mammals of the Great Lakes region.


Field work may be required. Contact instructor for more information.

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