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Secondary Education Integrated Science Major with Chemistry Minor (Option II)

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Interdisciplinary and Individually Created Programs department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 121
General Education

Note: MA 111 College Algebra for Calculus Preparation is required for many of the courses in this program.

Philosophy Minor

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Philosophy department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 16
PL 200 History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (4 cr.) and/or 4-8
     PL 210 History of Modern Philosophy (4 cr.) *
PL Electives** 8-12

* Recommended but not required.

** Eight credit hours of 300-level courses are strongly recommended but not required.

Applied Ethics Minor

A minor in applied ethics provides students with a strong ethical background in a number of professional fields. It is an excellent complement for students majoring in business, law, paralegal, or for students preparing for a career in a medical field.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Philosophy department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 16
Applied Ethics Core 8
PL 180 Introduction to Ethics [PERS] 4
PL 310 Social and Political Philosophy [PERS] 4
Philosophy Elective 4
Choose one course from the following: 4
PL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (4 cr.) [INTT]
PL 160 Introduction to Logic (4 cr.) [QUAR]
PL 260 Philosophy of the Arts (4 cr.) [INTT]
PL 280 Philosophy of Religion (4 cr.) [INTT]
PL 330 Existentialism (4 cr.) [INTT]
Ethics Elective 4
Choose one course from the following: 4
PL 181 Business Ethics (4 cr.) [PERS]
PL 182 Computer, Information, and Technology Ethics (4 cr.) [PERS]
PL 184 Legal Ethics (4 cr.) [PERS]
PL 185 Medical and Bioethics (4 cr.) [PERS]
PL 188 Introduction to Environmental Philosophy (4 cr.)

If needed, the student may include a course from another department that deals with the implementation of theoretical norms for a maximum of four credits. If an elective course from another department is used for the applied ethics minor, it must be chosen in consultation with an adviser from the Philosophy Department. When approved, the student’s adviser will then file the name of the course with the Registrar's Office.

Philosophy Major

This major offers useful preparation for any career in which the abilities to comprehend difficult material and to think and write clearly and logically are important. The major serves as an excellent foundation for postgraduate work in law and theology, as well as in philosophy itself.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Philosophy department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Major 32
PL 200 History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy * 4
PL 210 History of Modern Philosophy * 4
Philosophy Electives 24
    At least 8 credits must be at the 300-level or above.  
PL 390 Graduation Assessment for Philosophy Majors 0

*Recommended but not required.

Note: Students may substitute courses from a different department to meet the major requirement in philosophy as long as they have a heavy philosophical content.

Any substitution must have the written approval of the student’s adviser and the head of the Philosophy Department. A copy of the substitution(s) will be sent to the Registrar's Office by the department.

This major does not require a minor.

Secondary Education Economics Minor (currently not accepting students)

New students will not be accepted into the program at this time. Contact department for more information.

Students with a minor in secondary economics education must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater overall, in the major, and/or minor(s) with no grade below a "B-" in the professional education sequence and no grade below a "C" in the major and/or minor(s).

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Economics department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 20

*EC 350 double counts if social studies education, geography education, history education or political science education.

Grade earned in methods course is calculated with courses in the professional education sequence in the major.

Economics Minor

The economics minor requires a 2.00 or higher grade point average for all economics courses.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Economics department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 20
Minimum Requirements  
EC 201 Microeconomic Principles 4
EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles 4
EC Electives 12
The department recommends the following groups of courses to students that want to have a specialized minor. Although the specializations will not appear in the transcript, if requested, a student who completes the courses recommended will receive a letter from the department stating that the Minor in Economics awarded has the corresponding specialization.  
Specialized Minor in International Economics  
Total Credits Required for Minor 20
EC 201 Microeconomic Principles 4
EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles 4
EC 425 International Economics 4
EC 460 Economic Development 4
In addition, choose one of the following two courses: 4
     EC 320 Money and Banking (4 cr.)
     EC 480 Introduction to Econometrics (4 cr.)
Specialized Minor in the Economics of Public Policy  
Total Credits Required for Minor 20
EC 201 Microeconomic Principles 4
EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles 4
EC 320 Money and Banking 4
EC 405 Economics of Public Choice 4
In addition, choose one of the following five courses: 4
     EC 340 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (4 cr.) [PERS]
     EC 345 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (4 cr.)
     EC 363 Economics of Regulation and Antitrust (4 cr.)
     EC 415 Labor Economics (4 cr.)
     EC 480 Introduction to Econometrics (4 cr.)
Specialized Minor in Legal and Political Economy  
Total Credits Required for Minor 20
EC 201 Microeconomic Principles 4
EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles 4
EC 330 Law and Economics 4
EC 340 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy [PERS] 4
EC 405 Economics of Public Choice 4

Economics Major

This major prepares students for entry into graduate programs in economics. An economics major also prepares students for entry into professional schools such as law, business and public administration, while other students directly enter careers in business or government.

A 2.0 grade point average is required in both the economics core and the concentration.


For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Economics department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Required Courses in Major 32
Economics Core 16
EC 201 Microeconomic Principles 4
EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles 4
EC 401 Intermediate Microeconomics 4
EC 402 Intermediate Macroeconomics 4

Option 1: General Economics Concentration 16
In addition to the Economics Core take 16 credits of economics electives.
     MA 161 Calculus I [QUAR]* and/or 4
     DATA 109 Introduction to Statistics [QUAR]* 4

Option 2: International Economics 16
In addition to the Economics Core complete the following:
     DATA 109 Introduction to Statistics [QUAR] 4
     EC 320 Money and Banking 4
     EC 425 International Economics 4
     EC 460 Economic Development 4

Option 3: Public Policy 16
In addition to the Economics Core choose four of the following five courses:
     EC 320 Money and Banking 4
     EC 345 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 4
     EC 363 Economics of Regulation and Antitrust 4
     EC 405 Economics of Public Choice 4
     EC 415 Labor Economics (4 cr.)

Option 4: Political Economy 16
In addition to the Economics Core, choose four of the following five courses:
     EC 330 Law and Economics 4
     EC 337 American Economic History [INTT]  4
     EC 340 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy [PERS] 4
     EC 363 Economics of Regulation and Antitrust 4
     EC 405 Economics of Public Choice 4

Option 5: Economics Graduate School Bound** 16
In addition to the Economics Core complete the following:
     DATA 109 Introduction to Statistics [QUAR] 4
     MA 161 Calculus I [QUAR] 4
     EC 480 Introduction to Econometrics 4
    Economics Elective 4

*May be counted as electives toward the economics major.

**Students planning on pursuing graduate studies in economics are strongly encouraged to
 minor in mathematics.

This major does not require a minor.

Writing Minor

Prepares students with advanced practice in a variety of writing styles and genres applicable to career development and personal growth.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the English department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 16

The writing minor is not a certified teaching minor.

Secondary Education Music Major

Bachelor of Music Education

Completion of the music courses as well as the professional education sequence lead to secondary certification, which enables the holder to teach music at the K-12 level.

Students with a major in secondary education music must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater overall, in the major, and/or minor(s) with no grade below a "B-" in the professional education sequence and no grade below a "C" in the major and/or minor(s).

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Music department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 130
General Education
Required Courses in Major 65
Music Core Courses 34
MU 101 Theory 1 2
MU 102 Aural Skills 1 2
MU 103 Class Piano 1 2
MU 104 Theory 2 2
MU 105 Aural Skills 2 2
MU 106 Class Piano 2 2
MU 145 Introduction to Music Literature [HUME] 3
MU 201 Theory 3 2
MU 202 Aural Skills 3 2
MU 204 Theory 4 2
MU 210 Aural Skills 4 2
MU 211 Orchestration and Arranging 2
MU 301 Music History 1 2
MU 302 Music History 2 2
MU 303 Music History 3 2
MU 304 Form and Analysis 2
MU 490 Senior Recital 1
Performance Lessons 6
Ensembles 5
See large and small ensemble requirements.
Choral or instrumental. Each course is worth one half credit per semester.
Large Ensembles 3.5
Elective Ensembles 1.5
Large Ensembles 2.5
Small Ensembles 1.0
Elective Ensemble 1.5
MU 001 Music Forum/Concert Attendance * 0

Area of Specialization (Choose either Choral or Instrumental)  
Choral 20
MU 140 Class Piano 3 2
MU 143 Secondary Instrumental Methods 1
MU 150 Percussion Class 2
MU 172 Diction for Singers 2
MU 208 Conducting 1 2
MU 212 Choral Methods 2
MU 218 Introduction to Music Education 1
MU 230H High Brass Class or 1
     MU 230L Low Brass Class (1 cr.)
MU 260U Upper Strings Class or 1
     MU 260L Lower Strings Class (1 cr.)
MU 280S Single Reeds Class 1
MU 349 Methods and Materials in Music Education/Elementary ** 2
MU 350 Methods and Materials in Music Education/Secondary ** 2
Music Electives 1
Instrumental 20
MU 111 University Choir 0.5
MU 150 Percussion Class 2
MU 170 Class Voice or 1
     MU 171 Performance 1 - Vocal (1 cr.)
MU 208 Conducting 1 2
MU 218 Introduction to Music Education 1
MU 230H High Brass Class 1
MU 230L Low Brass Class 1
MU 260L Lower Strings Class 1
MU 260U Upper Strings Class 1
MU 280D Double Reeds Class 1
MU 280F Flute Class 1
MU 280S Single Reeds Class 1
MU 345A Marching Band Practicum 1
MU 349 Methods and Materials in Music Education/Elementary ** 2
MU 350 Methods and Materials in Music Education/Secondary ** 2
Music Electives 1.5

Professional Education 29
ED 201 Introduction to Education 2
ED 231 Teaching for Learning in the Secondary Classroom 4
ED 301 Dimensions of American Education 2
ED 319 Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers 3
ED 361 Special Education and the General Classroom Teacher 2
ED 380 Practicum in the Secondary School 2
ED 430 Teaching in the Secondary School 11
ED 450 Seminar in Teaching 1
ED 483 Educational Media Technology 2

The major does not require a minor.

*Additional Degree Requirement: Majors must attend weekly departmental events held on Fridays at 1 p.m. and attend a specified number of concerts each semester. All attendance is administered through mandatory enrollment in MU 001, a zero credit course. Details are found in the Student Music Major Handbook.

**MU 349 and MU 350 will count in the Professional Education GPA.

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