AN 492 Teaching Assistant in Anthropology 2-4 cr.  (2 or 4-0-0)
  • Offered: Contact department
  • Prerequisites: Instructor selection by cover letter and resume/CV, student must have taken the course and received an A- or above, student must have junior standing or above, and attendance cannot conflict with other courses in student’s schedule.
  • Bulletin Year: 2023 - 2024 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.

This course is a directed apprenticeship in teaching. The student will work under the supervision of the faculty member to act as a teaching assistant for a lower-level course. The TA will act as a moderator for class discussion sessions, labs, or other activities, provide tutoring sessions, and teach selected topics as deemed necessary.


Course may be repeated twice for credit, if acting as a teaching assistant for different courses.

Course assessment will be on a credit/no-credit basis and does not involve a letter grade; 80-100% results in Credit, 79% and below results in No Credit.