For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the English department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 22-26
EN 415 English Grammar and Usage 4
EN 416 Second Language Acquisition 4
EN 417 TESOL Methods and Materials 4
EN 491 Internship 2 - 6
200 Level Modern Language Course other than English*4
Choose four credits from the following list:
EN 414 History of the English Language (4 cr.)
EN 495 Special Topics ** (1 - 4 cr.)
EN 595 Special Topics ** (1-4 cr.)
EN 507 Advanced Writing Theory ** (4 cr.)
EN 510 Teaching Composition ** (4 cr.)
EN 511 Teaching Reading in the English Classroom ** (4 cr.)

*Requirement could be satisfied under another major or minor.

** With advisor-approved TESL/TEFL topic. Note also that seniors can take a 500-level course if they are within one semester of graduation and have a 3.0 GPA. Up to 8 credits can be at the graduate level.