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Master of Interdisciplinary Studies

The Master of Interdisciplinary Studies degree is an interdisciplinary degree designed to 1) accommodate students with needs that are not met by existing programs, 2) recognize that current employment opportunities as well as future ones may not be structured around existing departments or degree programs, 3) provide flexibility and innovation, 4) recognize the needs of people who have been out of school for longer periods of time and have special occupational or vocational situations, and 5) assist students who want to change their field of study from that of their baccalaureate degree.

Individualized programs must be based in departments that currently offer master's degree programs or graduate courses.

The general regulations governing graduate education at NMU will apply to this program (e.g., transfer credit policies, time limitation requirements, grade point average for graduation, and credit requirements). Students are admitted to the graduate school conditionally until an approved plan of study is on file.

The plan of study must be approved by the advisor(s) and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Research before the plan may be initiated. No more than eight semester credit hours taken before the plan of study has been approved will be accepted.


Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Graduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.