What direction and opportunities do you think NMU should focus on in the next 25 years?

NMU has done a great job over the past couple of years in terms of getting the university in a great financial spot, increasing enrollment, and providing students with a variety of resources. It is my hope that those things continue to build over the next 25 years and beyond. On top of that, I hope to see a focus put on the arts. Music, theater and dance programs are flourishing at Northern. Our marching band is the biggest it's ever been in the past few years, and the theatre department has grown into a huge department over the past ten years or so. Groups from these programs are featured across campus at many events and really showcase what the arts at NMU have to offer. During homecoming this past week, I saw the Marching Band perform, the Arts Chorale, Jazz combos at three different events, a chamber orchestra, and a theatre performance. Music and theater draw people to places. In the next 25 years, I hope that NMU is THE place that people from around the Upper Peninsula travel to for great music and entertainment. In turn, that will help Northern recruit students who have an interest in the performing arts. 


What do you think universities will be like 125 years from now?

As our world continues to evolve over the next 125 years, so will higher education. It's hard to imagine where things will be that far down the road. However, I am confident that NMU will continue to be a leader in the higher education field and inspire its students to be the very best they can be. Our 125-year anniversary celebration was spectacular! I'm sure the 250-year party will be even bigger!