What is your NMU connection?

Student 1992-1996
Student Athlete~ Swimling
SLFP Purple Block
West Hall desk supervisor
Hunt Hall RA
GRIES HALL resident!!!


Your favorite NMU memory or story

I could write a book about my memories! I LOVED ATTENDING NMU!

I swam for the wildcats, and was a Gries Hall resident (I was a member of the last class of residents to live there!) I was the West Hall desk supervisor and a Hunt Hall RA. 

I was grateful to work under Carl Holm, Dave Bonsal, Kim Weinfurter, and Doug Irke, and Coached by Anne James and Karl Zueger! 

From frigid 5 am walks to the PEIF for morning swim practice, to winter camping outings for rec courses using the ORC equipment, I gained many resilience and responsibility skills! Living in GRIES was a BLAST and when the administration shared the fate of its closure we residents banned together to “Save Gries Hall”! It brought us as a community so close and tight-knit that I’m still close with SO MANY whom I lived with there!!! 

I must say I enjoyed the president's ball, the rock climbing wall, broom ball, and even a bunch of dome-watching football! Cafe tray sledding down the Gries Hall hill, shows from Carrot Top, and speaking engagements by Bill (Clinton.) We had Volleyball National Champions Swimming too! TV decorating contests and snow sculpture art! I attended before the tunnels and walkways and learned to layer! My FAVORITE memory is that EVERYONE said “Hi” as you passed each other on campus. We didn’t have e-mail addresses or cell phones. Our doors were always open if we were in our dorm room and EVERYONE had a place and purpose there! THANK YOU NMU for some of the greatest moments and for cultivating lifelong friendships! 


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

See Above


Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

GLIAC Champions!!!

Adventures in growth high ropes course program facilitator.

SLFP Purple block

Creator of ORC (Outdoor Rec Center rental program) to make outdoor gear available at reasonable rates to students!


What is/was your favorite thing to do in Marquette? 

Sunsets at Presque Isle 

Cliff jumping at Dead River/ Black rocks

Mountain biking Marquette Mountain!


Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities?

We got 30+ inches of snow in 1994 or 1995 closing school for the first time in over 2 decades! 


Share any dorm/roommate stories you may have

Michelle Guyant and I roomed in 147 West Hall she was a basketball player I was a swimmer we were known as David and Goliath! lol! 

We had a fun ongoing joke with the guys next door… they hid an open can of tuna in our room that we found immediately… we turned everything in their room upside down including posters & dressers. ( Brad Tennant, Mike McKay “Macker”)


What is your current or former profession?

Currently employed by Lululemon


How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

I learned camaraderie, community, resiliency, grit, determination, creativity, adventure and so much more during my time at NMU!