What is your NMU connection?

I attended Northern Michigan University from 2009 to 2013 and graduated in 2021, and I played basketball for the varsity team at Northern Michigan University during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 seasons.


Your favorite NMU memory or story

So, my first year at Northern was a year in which all of the first-years were fervently out on adventure looking for things to do around campus. Black Rocks, a picturesque site on the shores of Lake Superior, had made its way around campus via word of mouth; Black Rocks is a site where people went to take in the beauty of Marquette; some people would jump into Lake Superior from the cliffs of Black Rocks as an entertaining activity. A group of friends and I had heard about Black Rocks and had decided to visit Black Rocks. I had planned to go and take in the site and enjoy the company, not jump into the lake. I had no idea that by the end of the day that I would hold hands with a close friend, Charlie Josey, while we plunged into the wavy depth of the lake. He had tried to convince me and succeeded after a few minutes. After re-surfacing from falling about 30 ft - if I had to guess - into the lake on a windy, humid day with minor perspiration falling, I had little cognizance of what would happen next: I had to make it to the cliff to climb back up to the landing ... I knew that. And, before I knew it, while in the water, I felt a shove from behind me: Charlie had given me a push toward the cliff, and I latched on and started to climb back up. When I was falling after jumping, it felt like my stomach had been left on the landing of Black Rocks. The only reason I jumped was because I trusted Charlie.


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

Lina Blair was the most influential person that I learned a vital lesson from that helped me develop as a person and
human being in UN 100. Lina was so influential because she exposed me to principles that added to a new level of
conscientiousness in humanitarian matters that I still try to uphold to this day.

Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

I will never forget rushing, pledging, and joining Alpha Sigma Phi, a fraternity on campus. Alpha Sigma Phi can also be
credited with a growth through experiences, from lessons conducted via fraternity operations to interpersonal engagement with fellow members, and brothers. Some of the lessons still stick with me today, and are relevant in the line of business that I am in.


What is/was your favorite thing to do in Marquette?

Beach days were the best during summertime in Marquette.

Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities

My first attendance at a symphony was on campus; it was a performance by the Northern Orchestra. I had to attend as a part of Music In Society, so I went with a friend: Janelle Storm.


Share any dorm/roommate stories you may have

One night, a couple of friends (Lanning and CJ) and I were listening to music in the dorm. Someone had come in and tried to take a photo, so we were all jostling to get in front of the camera. I was about 5'7" at the time, on a good day, so I grabbed a chair from the desk and stood on it in order to tower over Lanning and CJ. Somehow, CJ ended up on a chair, too. I don't know how that happened.

What is your current or former profession?

I am currently in private equity. I own a brand marketing consulting firm and am working to expand my portfolio of
companies under management.

How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

Northern provided me with the foundation to grow and provided me with growth itself. At Northern, I accomplished
childhood aspirations and gained experiences and perspectives that helped me understand international and human culture.