What is your NMU connection?

I was a nursing student in the 80's.


Your favorite NMU memory or story

It was a major life changing event coming to NMU. I was going away from home to start an education that would pave what became a wonderful career choice for me. NMU offered do many events and opportunities that made my time fun, filled with memories that I remember to this day. I met so many people playing broom ball, air band, coed softball, movies and so many other events. The beautiful campus and surroundings offered many scenic experiences like hiking and swimming in Lake Superior (cold but exhilarating). Finally I received an excellent education that prepared me well and provided skills that allowed me to progress in nursing.


What is / was your favorite thing to do in Marquette? 

I loved to hike and go to to Presque Isle with friends.


Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities?

After winter break me and my roommate were heading back to NMU. After crossing the bridge the wind, snow and ice picked up. I remember driving and grabbing my windshield wiper on the driver's side to clear ice built up so I could see better. I was afraid to stop, as I felt we would get stuck. Finally reaching campus we were the few that made it back. Students were stranded at various places on their return. Campus was closed for 2 days for digging out and allowing safe travel for those still enroute.


What is your current or former profession?

I am an RN who went on to earn a MSN. I was a public health nurse, supervisor and director. Then I was a clinical nursing instructor and adjunct faculty, becoming the RN to BSN Coordinator. I currently don't work.