What is your NMU connection?

I was a student from 1992 to 1996


Your favorite NMU memory or story

While there are many, my fondest memories were spent with friends I met over my time. From long friendships with Beth Anderson whom I met my first days living in Van Antwerp Hall.


Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

I was a member of the Delta Chi Fraternity and involved in ASNMU. These activities benefited me greatly during my time in college as well as beyond. The ability to collaborate and learn from others is an important part of development. Without the ability to have these experiences I am confident I would not be where I am today.


What is / was your favorite thing to do in Marquette? 

I traditionally come back several times a year but my favorite event is the UP 200. I support the race because I believe it is one of the most important tourism opportunities for the city. I am pleased that NMU took a key sponsorship role in the race. The city has changed since the 1990s and the race returns the feel of the Marquette I fell in love with during college. I enjoy the atmosphere the race provides to downtown and surrounding communities it touches.


Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities?

I love winter in general. I loved every snowstorm during my time at NMU, digging my truck out both in the parking lot and when I got it stuck more than likely someplace, I had no business being. I travel back to the UP just to snowmobile now and enjoy the winter.


What is your current or former profession?

Director of Parks and Planning for the Arlington Heights Park District.


How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

Without NMU I 100% would not be where I am today professionally. NMU and the staff challenged and motivated me to get involved in activities, and organizations. Those experiences taught me continued leadership skills, the value of continuing education and resilience. Without the experiences I am confident I would not have taken risks to look for professional opportunities later in life.