What is your NMU connection?

1976 Graduate, NMU 1995 Alumni Service Recipient, 2015 Alumni Achievement Recipient
Father, Norman "Boots" Kukuk, Distinguished Alumni Recipient, NMU Sports Hall of Fame Member, UP Sports Hall of
Fame Member
Uncle, Edward "Babe" Kukuk, Distinguished Alumni Recipient, NMU Sports Hall of Fame Member, UP Sports Hall of
Fame Member
Daughter Rebecca Chaltry, Honor Graduate of NMU
Daughter Kristy Humphrey, Honor Graduate of NMU
Son-in-laws Aric Chaltry and Dan Humphrey, Graduates of NMU
Granddaughter Kaysa Gollakner, Honor Student graduating December 2024


Your favorite NMU memory or story

1. NMU Hockey National Championship of 1991. Attend the game with Alumni Director Paul Suomi and a group of alumni, watched the win in double overtime, and then spent half the night with our two daughters at a reception where each girl got the player's autograph on a ceremonial miniature hockey stick.
2. Attending the NMU football game against rival Central Michigan the year NMU won the National Championship and
seeing them beat CMU before a standing room only at Memorial Field. It was most exciting watching B-52's from
The Sawyer Air base flies low over the field in most games.


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

Carol Hicks, my advisor influenced me to become an engineer while attending classes of his and others in the
Industrial Tech Department for 4 years. I graduated with a wide array of skills in architectural design , metals, electrical, and strength of material. It drove me to further my education and become a degree engineer.

Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs, or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

1. Member of the NMU Alumni Association Board of Directors, Wrote and published the operating manual for regional
associations to follow.
2. With our business we hosted numerous NMU Alumni gatherings getting to know many of the past presidents personally as well as other area alumni


What is/was your favorite thing to do in Marquette?

I grew up in Marquette and spent many hours coaming the beaches of Lake Superior as we only lived a block away.
Boating on Lake Superior, being at our camp in Big Bay, and enjoying snowmobiling.

Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities

Snow, snow, and more snow, it never ended during my early years in Marquette, yet we endured the weather, attended our years in schools, and made winter a regular and expected part of life. One snowstorm of remembrance was when a dear friend of my parents, Rep Dominic Jacobetti stopped by the house stayed awhile during a storm, and when ready to leave could not make it up the road. That same evening another resident could not make it up our street hill so they left their car in front of our house and the next morning we could not find it buried under the snow.


Share any dorm/roommate stories you may have

I Lived at home and besides a full schedule of classes, I had a job working 35 hours a week to pay for college. I never came out with any student debt.

What is your current or former profession?

I retired in January 2018 after owning and operating a nationally recognized marine business with my wife Susan for 27 years.

How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

Strong educational background, networking with faculty and staff , learning the basics of management, and knowing how to accomplish the tasks of life.