What is your NMU connection?

I graduated from NMU 54 years ago as an English teacher with a biology minor. I loved both areas of study for different reasons. Dissecting beautiful language, or exploring a bog …both all good. I taught school in various locations, finishing with 28 years. So grateful that at the age of 18 I chose a career path that I indeed felt great satisfaction in doing for my life’s work.


Your favorite NMU memory or story

I remember snow storms but NMU rarely canceled back then, walking and slogging through the weather to get to class, sitting there damp and chilled as the old poorly insulated buildings had only radiator heat.


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

A group of us lived as suitemates in Magers dorm. We came from various parts of the state, had different socioeconomic backgrounds, diverse areas of study. As retired women are still friends and in touch with each other through social media.


How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

Six years ago, after living in several areas and looking at many options, my husband and I chose to retire in Marquette. The vibrant community, rugged beauty and NMU activities were the reasons.