What is your NMU connection?

1993, BA, Secondary Education (English major/Business minor)
1997, MAE, Secondary Education
2010, MAE, Supervision & Leadership
Husband-building trades, 1986 (Sean Francis)
Son-Lineman program, 2020 (Connor Hetrick)
Daughter-Cosmetology program, 2023 (Kylie Hetrick)


Your favorite NMU memory or story

I was a commuter student, so my favorite memories involve hanging out in the basement of the LRC near the Wildcat
Den! We had a fun crew to hangout with between classes.

The winter 2023 graduation ceremony was one to remember with the professors and staff singing “Don’t Stop Believing!”
Having Jerry Lineger, astronaut, in 1997 as a graduation speaker was amazing! That was so special and I cried through
most of his speech.


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

Tom Hyslop was my advisor for my undergraduate program and Lorena Jinkerson was my advisor for my graduate
program. Both were fantastic. Tom placed me in my student teacher placement and I am still good friends with my


Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities

The NMU/MTU football and hockey games can’t be missed!


What is / was your favorite thing to do in Marquette? 

I’m from Negaunee, so Marquette is not new to me, but there’s such natural beauty in our area. We are so fortunate to be
so close to Hogback, Sugarloaf, Presque Isle, Lower Harbor, Dead River Falls and Blackrocks, to name a few. Marquette
has great restaurants and breweries.


What is your current or former profession?

Retired Educator/Administrator MDOC Education

How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

When I would hear people talk about how their college studies did not prepare them for their field, I felt bad for them. I
used information I learned at NMU as a teacher and educational administrator everyday from classroom management, philosophy, and techniques to curriculum development, review and school improvement plans. I was well-prepared
throughout my career.