
Charlie in front of the dome

Meet Charlie Gerhard, a Secondary Education major from Iron Mountain, Michigan. He plans to graduate in May 2024.

I didn’t want to go too far from home but still wanted to be in a new place. I wanted to keep the outdoors nearby with just the right amount of city feels. I also love the football program and the coaches who make it run.

I had an idea of what I wanted to be coming in which was an athletic trainer but my back up was a becoming a teacher and I’ve perused that since my Sophomore year.

Being able to take in all the information there is to know about the human body and how it works. Also having very active labs to learn the subject further.

I’m a student-athlete in the football program here and I love every moment of it as I gain more connections than I’d ever known while playing the sport I love. Being able to be surrounded by passionate guys that love the sport but also one another. 

My plans after graduation are to become a teacher and help kids get more out of themselves than any other teacher. I'd also like to coach high school sports, leaning more towards football.

NMU has everything a bigger college has to offer just a bit more condensed which makes everything easier on the student. The only thing is that you want to take advantage of all that the school has to offer because a lot of them can be life-changing.