What is your NMU connection?

I am an alumni of NMU '06.


Your favorite NMU memory or story

My favorite memory is during a snow storm with a friend (who is now my husband), getting Wendy's Frosty's in a blizzard and driving back to the University Center to eat them.


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

I think that one of the most influential people I met was Shirly Brozzo. She was my professor for Native American studies and her passion for what she does is amazing.

Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

I lived in the dorms my entire time at NMU. There is major significance to the upperclassmen dorms for those of us who wanted to remain in the Dorm environment but socialize with upperclassmen. The pot lucks, and getting to know other students changed my life!


What is/was your favorite thing to do in Marquette?

My favorite thing to do in Marquette was to visit the dock and watch the ships come in on Presque Isle with my husband.

Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities

I attended every Hockey Game during the 2003-2004 season. I also drove home for breaks in several blizzards. Nothing plowing down M-28 in your Subaru when you can hardly see.

What is your current or former profession?

I am currently a Classification/Compensation Specialist for Human Resources.

How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

NMU helped build my confidence and obtain a degree that made me marketable and knowledgeable.