What is your NMU connection?

I am a 2021 Graduate.


Your favorite NMU memory or story

One of my favorite memories from my time at Northern Michigan University (NMU) centers around a math course with Dr. Amy E. Barnsley. Her class was a unique and enjoyable experience, and one of the highlights was Halloween. Dr.
Barnsley encouraged us to dress up for the day, making it an incredibly fun and festive occasion.

Walking into the classroom that day, I was amazed by the creativity and enthusiasm of my classmates. Everyone was in

This special day wasn't just about dressing up but building a sense of community and camaraderie among the
students. Her class was the only one where I truly made friends and felt a genuine sense of belonging. Every day in Dr.
Barnsley's class was enjoyable, filled with laughter and learning.

The Halloween celebration was a perfect example of how she made her classroom a welcoming and engaging place. It
stands out as one of the most memorable and fun experiences of my time at NMU.

Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

During my time at Northern Michigan University (NMU), Dr. Amy E. Barnsley made a huge impact on me, especially in a
tough math course. I remember feeling really overwhelmed and thinking about dropping out because I just couldn't
understand the material. The pressure was intense, and I started to doubt myself.

Dr. Barnsley saw that I was struggling and reached out to help. Even though she was busy, she took the time to work with me one-on-one. She patiently explained things and gave me extra resources to help me understand. Her dedication and personal approach made a big difference.

Her support and encouragement helped me get through the challenges in math and gave me back my confidence.
Thanks to Dr. Barnsley, I was able to pass the course and keep going with my studies. I'm so grateful for her kindness and commitment to her students. She showed me the importance of perseverance and how much a caring teacher can
change a student's life.

Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

As a non-traditional student at Northern Michigan University (NMU), my experience was different from many of my peers. Going to college became my "club." Every moment I wasn't at work or taking care of my kids, I was focused on my classes and homework. Instead of joining student groups or sports teams, my main focus was on my studies.


What is/was your favorite thing to do in Marquette?

Look for beach glass along the lake shore!
Going on walks with my kids and husband.

What is your current or former profession?

I'm a Team Lead at Honor Credit Union - I have been here for just over four years.

How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

It gave me the confidence to apply to my current job.

It gave me pride to know that I walked across that stage, and I accomplished something I never thought I would. The best part is that my kids got to see their mom achieve that goal. Along with my father, he was so proud of me, and I am so happy he got to see me achieve this goal before he passed away in 2022.

NMU gave me the confidence that there is nothing that I can't reach. That is why I am applying at Honor Credit Union, and I am happy to say that I started as a Full-time teller- and was promoted to Member Specialist two years later, to where I am now, promoted to Team Lead at our Gwinn Member Center.