Daisy selfie

Meet Daisy Cotterman, a sociology major from Midland, Michigan. She plans to graduate in May 2023.

I had never been to the U.P. before and I was just so drawn to it.

I started out as a psychology major while taking courses for my major, I felt much more attracted to sociology

Coming from a town that was pretty small-minded, being a sociology major helps me make sense of the world. I still have a lot to learn but I already feel so much more enlightened. 

As an introvert, I'm not very active in the community, but my favorite thing to do is go to the farmer's market to support small businesses. The smiles you see going into any of the shops in Marquette are rewarding in themselves. I love the Marquette community, and I will continue to support them as much as I can.

While I'm not sure what the future holds, I would love to stay in Marquette as I've fallen in love with the city.

Take it easy, go outside and explore, smile at everyone you meet and don't forget your snow pants.

As a first-generation student, I'm especially thankful for the opportunity to be at NMU. I've met so many amazing people along the way and I can't wait to meet more. I'm thankful that I get to study a subject that's interesting to me and be a part of a program so accepting.

My experience at NMU is honestly one of a kind. Every time I'm at the top of Sugarloaf mountain or at the shores of Lake Superior, I'm genuinely so glad I chose such a beautiful college town. From the rusty colors of the trees in the fall to the way the snow falls at night in the winter, I've never made a better decision than to call NMU and Marquette my home.