What is your NMU connection?

I was a student in the twenty-tens. I graduated from Northern in 2016 with my bachelors in Communication Studies.


Your favorite NMU memory or story

My absolute favorite memory of my time at NMU is actually one that happened graduation weekend. My best friend Monica Purdy and I celebrated our graduation day with our families and close friends and later that weekend we found out her brother died in a hiking accident in Denali National Park. To celebrate his life and our time in Marquette coming to a close, Monica, our close friend group and I drove to Little Presque Isle, watched the sunset together while huddling under blankets and crying. It's a moment and a memory that will never fade from my mind.


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

There are so many influential people I met during my time at NMU. Having worked in Residence Life, New Student Orientation, and the Center for Student Enrichment, I had several great mentors in Jeff Korpi, Lina Blair, Josh Santiago, Jim Gadzinski, Rachel Harris, and Chris Greer. Spending most of my career in the CAPS department I also grew to respect Tom Isaacson, Sara Potter, and Jes Thompson. But the person I met during my time at NMU who impacted my life the most greatly is Alexandra Marshall. She took a risk and hired me as a Resident Adviser. She mentored and coached me through my two years working under her, and since leaving the University, we have maintained our relationship and are still friends today. We've attended weddings together, made trips to visit one another and have challenged and supported each other through career and personal changes. I have the utmost respect for Alexandra and know that the impact she's made was not only on myself but so many other students and staff as well.


Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

I helped found the Marquette Ending Hunger organization, was an RA and on Orientation staff. Those organizations and departments led me to finding a love for higher education and student affairs, and ultimately a career in the field. I met my closest friends and mentors through these experiences and found my own way because of the people on those teams.



Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities

The last day of my freshman year, I remember moving out of the dorms with snow still on the ground. Other memorable moments include my first Aurora Borealis showing on Hogback Mountain, and of course, nights at the Berry Events Center watching Wildcat Hockey.


Share any dorm/roommate stories you may have

Oh, where to start?! I have so many. I only had a roommate my freshman year as I worked as a RA for the next two and then moved off campus, but Spalding Hall will forever and always be a place I call home. I met my best friends there and am still friends with many of them today. That Hall raised me!

Working in Meyland Hall as a RA and getting to know the Olympic training athletes living there is also something that is so unique I will never forget about it. Seeing so many people I met there go on to pursue their dreams and go on to compete in the Olympics is so special.


What is your current or former profession?

I currently work as a freelance social media manager and digital marketer, but worked in higher ed for six years and suicide prevention for three years before I decided to take a leap into doing something on my own.


How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

NMU taught me how to be wild and stay wild while also teaching me to be more patient, understanding, and to try new things. Because of the confidence I gained and the person I became at NMU, I have moved across the country several times, took leaps into different career fields, and have started a business.