Mari Amberg is a cosmetology and business entrepreneurship double major from Carol Stream, Illinois who will be graduating in Winter 2021.
Why did you decide to come to NMU?
Originally when I was looking at colleges to attend I never even knew the UP existed. It wasn’t until a friend introduced me to Munising back in my junior year of high school that I ever was introduced to it. I fell in love instantly. The UP was beautiful; unlike anything I had ever seen. I quickly added NMU to the list of colleges I would be applying for. Once I had received all of my college letters back, the decision came down to two colleges; NMU and San Diego State University. They were completely different schools, however, NMU offered a unique advantage that SDSU did not; a trade school within a university. Going to NMU allowed me to finish my cosmetology degree I started in high school and also work on my bachelor’s degree at the same time. Due to this, I will be graduating with both degrees in only four and a half years. While I believe I would have been happy at another college, nothing compares to what I have found at NMU. Here I have found a community and a family.
What's an example of a cool, interesting, or helpful thing that you have done as a part of your major?
Back in cosmetology, we worked with the public a lot; whether it was working on my friends’ hair in the lab or going out for a trip to serve in the community. To this day, one of my favorite community projects we did was go to a nursing home and give everyone a spa day. Not all the residents joined us but the ones that did had so much fun. They told me and the other students stories from when they were younger. The smiles they had that day was amazing and I will never forget it.
What are you involved in within the university as well as outside of campus?
As of right now, I am not involved in any organizations on campus because I am in the last year of my program and needed to focus on some of my harder classes. However, I am an alumna of Alpha Gamma Delta- Zeta Upsilon chapter on Northern’s campus. I was active with my sorority for 3.5 years and during my time with them, I did sisterhood, academic, and philanthropic activities. I was also extremely active with my dorm houses when I was living in them. I helped with making sure students in my dorm were informed on campus activities that were occurring as well as joining Welcome Crew for my second year of school.
Outside of school, what do you enjoy?
Outside of school, I am a hairdresser. I have worked at The Man Cave Hair & Beard Parlor for about 2 years and I love the job. It is the first salon I have worked in since I graduated cosmetology and I can truly call my team family. We all take care of each other and push one another to improve our skills. I’m excited to see where my career with them will take me. In addition, I also love to garden. I have a garden every spring at my apartment where I grow all types of vegetables and even some flowers.
The last thing I’m involved with, and this one has been a little new for me, but it is an ambulance. Back in high school, I was always enamored with the idea of travel and a nomadic style of living. I bought an ambulance back in December of 2020 and have been putting my time into converting it into a livable home for traveling.
What does “be Northern” mean to you?
When I hear the words “Be Northern” I think of the word adventure. Coming to the UP was a big jump for me and that was an adventure in itself just getting here. Now that I’m here, there is always a new place to explore. Not only has this place taught me to explore but it has allowed my adventurous spirit to thrive well beyond college.
What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation, I plan to stay in Marquette for a year to work at The Man Cave and finish building my ambulance. I’m hoping this will allow me to make some money to help get me started on my travels and allow me some more time to spend with my awesome work team and clients. This place has become a home for me and I will be sad to say “Goodbye” so I will just say “See ya later”.