What is your NMU connection?

January 1972 graduate in secondary education.
Varsity Swimmer 1967-1971(first NMU men swimming & diving team), letter winner all four years, captain two years, All American 2 years, first male swimmer elected into NMU Hall of Fame, graduate assistant swimming coach 1971-72, Varsity NMU diving coach 2021-2022


Your favorite NMU memory or story

My favorite NMU story is ongoing. Myself and four of my teammates (Tom Schwaab, Bill Bird, Randy Ford and Dan Helton) have been meeting at NMU Homecoming's for the past ten years, Each of the years, we have attended the Green & Gold Swimming Meets and have been introduced to the current team members and spoke to them individually and as a whole. Then, cheered them on as they competed against one another in their first competition to begin their season.


Tell us about the significance of any teams, clubs or organizations you were part of during your time at NMU

My Teammates were and are still my best friends. We got each other through school (but still had a LOT of fun as well)


Who is the most influential person you met during your time at NMU and why were they so influential?

The most influential person was my swimming coach Don Trost. That man not only coached me, but helped me grow up into a young self supportive young man. When my father passed, Don helped get through it. He taught me that remembering my Dad is wonderful but moving on with hard work and attaining what he and I had started to do, would be the best way to make him proud. I still can't thank Don for that.


What is/was your favorite thing to do in Marquette?

Walking through the forests, magnificent coastlines, Sugarloaf Mountain, and Black Rocks. Villa Capri is still my favorite Restaurant.


Talk about any significant/memorable sporting events, weather occurrences or other on-campus activities

NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships
Traying (I don't snowboard, but it had been thought of at that time).
Hitch hiking home to the Detroit area, many times. The weather didn't matter (talk about young and stupid)
Graduating when nobody thought you had a chance.


What is your current or former profession?

I taught high school for four years but the teaching market was flooded and was pink-slipped each year. I Worked in the automotive industry from then on and retired as a senior engineer. I continued to coach swimming and diving in the area from 1972-2002.


How did NMU help you get to where you are today?

Proving to myself that I could accomplish anything if I worked hard enough for it.