See Art and Design - Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Major for complete degree requirements.


For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Art and Design department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 122
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Required Credits for Art and Design B.F.A.86

General Requirements: Core Courses and Art and Design Electives34
See Art and Design - Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree for complete list of general requirements.

AD 117 Introduction to Digital Photography 4
AD 217 Advanced Digital Photography 4
AD 317 Alternative Photographic Practices 4
AD 417 Commercial Studio Lighting 4
AD 454 Photography: BFA Seminar 4

Specific Requirements32
AD 112 Digital Cinema: Introduction 4
AD 118 Introduction to Graphic Communication 4
AD 134 Computer Art: Introduction 4
AD 280 History of Photography 4
Art and Design Electives 16