AD 303 Individual Art Review 2 cr.
  • Offered: Fall Winter
  • Graded: S/U
  • Prerequisites: AD 101 and 270 with C- minimum grade; completion or concurrent enrollment in 2D Studio, 3D Studio, and Digital Studio Foundation courses with C- minimum grade; completion or concurrent enrollment in selected 300-level studio concentration; permission of the instructor of the studio concentration. Students must attain a “B-” (2.70) average in their concentration to enroll.
  • Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.

In this course students will develop resumes, statements of intent, and portfolio presentations to be reviewed and evaluated by a small panel of faculty. Emphasis is placed on evidence of technical mastery, control of composition and design, and the successful development of ideas and concepts within the portfolio.


Although this course may be repeated, students receiving either two “U” grades or who withdraw twice from the course will not be allowed to continue in the program.