More from Tamiko Nimura

More from Vincent Schleitwiler

More on the resisters in We Hereby Refuse


Digital Archives and Exhibits

Nonfiction Books

  • The Art of Gaman: Arts and Crafts from the Japanese American Internment Camps, Delphine Hirasuna.
  • Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images of Japanese American Internment, eds. Linda Gordon and Gary Y. Okihiro.
  • The Japanese American Cases: The Rule of Law in Time of War, Roger Daniels.
  • Only What We Could Carry: The Japanese American Internment Experience, ed. Lawson Fusao Inada.
  • Mazanar: Historic Research Study/Special History Study, National Park Service.
  • Nikkei Baseball: Japanese American Players from Immigration and Internment to the Major Leagues, Samuel O. Regalado.
  • Relocating Authority, Mira Shimabukuro. 
  • Strange Fruit of the Black Pacific: Imperialism’s Racial Justice and Its Fugitives, Vince Schleitwiler.
  • Tule Lake Revisited: A Brief History and Guide to the Tule Lake Concentration Camp Site, Barbara Takei and Judy Tachibana.
  • A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America, Greg Robinson.


  • Citizen 13660, Miné Okubo.
  • Desert Exile, Yoshiko Uchida.
  • Displacement, Kiko Hughes.
  • Farewell to Manzanar, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston.
  • An Internment Odyssey: Haisho Tenten, Suikei Furuya, trans. Tatsumi Hayashi.
  • Gasa Gasa Girl Goes to Camp: A Nisei Youth Behind a World War II Fence, Lily Yuriko Nakai Havey.
  • Kiyo’s Story: A Japanese-American Family’s Quest for the American Dream, Kiyo Sato.
  • Life Behind Barbed Wire: The WWII Internment Memoirs of a Hawai’i Issei, Yasutaro Soga, trans. Kihei Hirai.
  • The Little Exile, Jeanette S. Arakawa.
  • Looking Like the Enemy, Mary Matsuda Gruenewald.
  • Looking after Minidoka, Neil Nakadate.
  • Manzanar to Mt. Whitney: The Life and Times of a Lost Hiker, Hank Umemoto.
  • Nisei Daughter, Monica Sone.
  • Nisei Naysayer: The Memoir of Militant Japanese American Journalist Jimmie Omura, James Matsumoto Omura, ed. Arthur A. Hansen.
  • Swimming in the American: A Memoir and Selected Writings, Hiroshi Kashiwagi.
  • They Called Us Enemy, George Takei.
  • Tule Lake: An Issei Memoir, Noburu Shirai, trans. Ray Hosoda.
  • Karen Tei Yamashita, Letters to Memory.


  • 21st Century Manzanar, Perry Miyake.
  • Clark and Division, Naomi Hirahara. 
  • Color of Sea, John Hamamura.
  • Famous Suicides of the Japanese Empire, David Mura.
  • Fox Drum Bebop, Gene Oishi.
  • Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Jamie Ford.
  • The Issei Prisoners of the San Pedro Internment Center, Stanley N. Kanzaki.
  • The Legend of Fire Horse Woman, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston.
  • No-No Boy, John Okada.
  • Obasan, Joy Kogawa.
  • Southland, Nina Revoyr.
  • What the Scarecrow Said, Stewart David Ikeda.
  • When the Emperor Was Divine, Julie Otsuka.
  • Why She Left Us, Rahna Reiko Rizzuto.

Documentary Films

  • An American Contradiction, Vanessa Yuille.
  • And Then They Came for Us, Abby Ginzberg and Ken Schneider.
  • Conscience and the Constitution, Frank Abe.
  • History and Memory: For Akiko and Takashige, Rea Tajiri. 
  • Korematsu and Civil Liberties, Robe Imbriano.
  • Manzanar: Never Again, National Park Service.
  • Meeting at Tule Lake, Scott T. Tsuchitani.
  • Pilgrimage, Tadashi Nakamura.
  • Prisoners and Patriots: The Untold Story of Japanese Internment in Santa Fe, Neil Simon.
  • Rabbit in the Moon, Emiko Omori. 
  • Resistance at Tule Lake, Konrad Aderer. 
  • Shiro Kashino: An American Hero, Shannon Gee, Randy Eng, Lawrence Matsuda.