Student FAQs
How do I withdraw from all classes for the semester?
Students who decide to leave Northern Michigan University without finishing the semester for which they are currently enrolled must contact the Dean of Students office. Students may stop in the office M-F 8-5, email, or call (906)227-1700. View the withdrawal procedure and refund schedule.
What if I missed the deadline to receive a W-grade?
If you missed the deadline to drop a class for a W-grade and feel you have extenuating circumstances, you should contact the Dean of Students office. There is always someone "on duty" during business hours for phone calls and walk-ins.
What should I do if I am too sick to go to class?
If you are too sick to get to class you should always try to e-mail your professors before the class starts. If that is not possible, do it as soon as you can.
- Tell them you are missing class because you are sick.
- Ask them if they can let you know what material you missed.
You should do this for every missed class. When you are feeling better, we suggest you meet with your professors during their office hours to talk about making up missed work.
Dining Services has a sick tray takeout option for students who live in the dorms and cannot get to the Dining Hall due to illness or injury. Information and instructions are contained on the Sick Tray Take-Out Request Form. Questions should be directed to your resident adviser, resident director or a Dining Services manager.
How do I get a hold on my record removed?
To determine what type of hold you have log into mynmu and select the Hold link. If you have an advisor hold, you must meet with your academic advisor to get this hold removed.
View Hold Types and Contact Information
When is the first and last day of the semester and Spring break?
NMU has an academic calendar containing the key academic dates. NMU also has an events calendar for university, cultural and sports events.
Is there tutoring available on campus?
All Campus Tutoring provides free tutoring services to all NMU students. They have walk-in hours and tutor-facilitated study groups. The office is located in the Harden room 111H.
There are also specialty tutoring labs for Computer Science, Language and Math, a Writing Center and the Jacobetti Complex Tutoring for students enrolled in programs and/or courses offered through NMU's School of Technology and Applied Sciences. Visit the All Campus Tutoring Web site for more information.
Does NMU have a day care program?
NMU does not have a day care program. There is a Head Start program located on campus which is run by the Alger Marquette Community Action Board.
Need to find a phone number or location of a department?
Try the NMU online phone directory or the campus operator at 906-227-1000.
Where do I find the bus schedule?
MarqTran provides bus service around Marquette County.
Is there a Lost and Found?
Public Safety and Police Services is designated as the central repository for all lost, found and abandoned property recovered on property owned by controlled by the University. Public Safety is located in the Services Building and their phone number is 906-227-2151.
Parent FAQs
What is it like living in the residence halls?
Living in the residence halls is wonderful way to get students out of their comfort zones, whether your student is outgoing or a little more reserved. The residence halls provide a lot of opportunities for your student to grow by allowing students to experience living in a shared space, doing their own laundry, and attending events planned by other students living in the area. Living in the residence halls is a great way for meeting new people and making friends.
How safe is the campus?
While crime does occur on Northern’s campus, the campus does offer several resources on campus to help keep the community safe. There are 21 blue emergency poles across campus that with a push of button, connects you to the NMU Police Department for an immediate response. The residence halls are locked nightly at 10pm, with only card access offered to students living in the building, nightly RAs on duty, and Security assistants that do rounds of the halls and report any suspicious activities to the housing staff or the NMU Police Department. The NMU Polcie Department is also available to students who feel afraid to walk across campus by themselves at night and will help escort the student to where they need to go. If at any point your child feels unsafe, please have them contact a housing member, the Dean of Students office, or Public Safety.
Does NMU offer any type of learning resources or tutoring to students?
There are several locations across campus to provide the tools necessary to help your student succeed. On the lower level of the Learning Resource Center, there is the All-Campus tutoring center that provides tutoring services for most academic programs. There is also a Writing Center in the Learning Resource Center for students to get feedback on their papers.
A tutoring office dedicated to helping students enrolled in Engineering Technology and Technology and Occupational Sciences is offered in the Jacobetti Complex.
Should my student bring a vehicle to campus?
Bringing a vehicle to campus has some positives such as the ability to go to local attractions that may be a little far to walk to or easily getting home. However, a vehicle is not necessary as there are a lot of attractions within walking distance to campus. With tons of local dining areas and stores in downtown Marquette, many students walk or bike to see what the city offers. There is a city bus system and cab service. There is a free Friday shopping shuttle to Meijer, Target, and Walmart.
What is the 6 week challenge?
The six week challenge is a challenge offered to new students of Northern to stay on campus for six weeks without going home, or having their family members coming to visit them. The reason for this challenge is to have students participate in campus activities to gain connections and meet people on campus, whether that’s in the residence halls, student organizations, or employment opportunities.