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Discourses from the Academy: Department of Psychological Science Colloquium Series

Discourses from the Academy: Department of Psychological Science Colloquium Series


 The Influences of Emotion and Motivation on Perception and Cognition*


Kesong Hu

Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience

Lake Superior State University



Friday, April 9, 2021

3:00 pm |West Science 2904 and ZOOM (link below)


We are pleased to extend an invitation to all interested persons -- Faculty, Staff, Students, Members of the Public -- to join us in listening to and participating in this session of our Colloquia Series.

* At a basic level, behavior can be understood in terms of two general classes of motivational processes: appetitive and aversive. Everyone agrees that both positive and negative processes are important, yet scientists still do not know much how these processes affect perception and cognition. In this talk, I will introduce my recent work on the role of affective motivational states in perception and cognition. I leverage recent methodological advances to enhance our understanding of emotion-perception, emotion-cognition integration and interaction. In particular, I will present behavioral, physiological and neuroimaging evidence showing how gain and loss (averted loss) influence earlier perceptual processing, and how simultaneous reward and threat interact in cognition. I close by discussing the clinical implications of my work, and how my studies can help understand the mechanisms that potentially go awry in mental illness.


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April 5, 2021

April 7, 2021

Primary Contact

Grace Albert

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