April 15 @ 1pm Webinar

Let's Talk About Books at NMU Webinar

A new episode of Lynn Domina's Webinar is coming out April 15 at 1pm! She will be talking with Katie Booth, author of "The Invention of Miracles: Language, Power, and Alexander Graham Bell's Quest to End Deafness". The biographical book tells the stories of Bell’s world-changing invention of the telephone and his dangerous ethnocide of deaf language. It also charts the rise of deaf activism and the deaf community reclaiming the once-forbidden language.

Listen to the webinar by clicking the following link: https://nmu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ob4iD76QTGyZoP2pkSmO1A

Friday, Apr 15, 2022

Start Time:  1:00 pm
End Time:  2:00 pm

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