MoveUP Fitness Program
The Move UP fitness program is a community outreach service provided by the School of Health and Human Performance that allows the NMU and Marquette communities the opportunity to engage in a variety of exercises at multiple intensities led by our graduate students.
Participants attend one-hour sessions three times per week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during the semester, at their designated times detailed below: Fall 2023 Schedule: Wednesday, September 6th – Thursday, November 30th, 2023 7:00 a.m.-7:55 a.m. 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. ** No class November 19-24 – NMU Thanksgiving Break MoveUP
Program Fee: New Participant - $150.00 ($140 for NMU Faculty, Staff, Students and Spouses or PEIF Pass Members) Returning Participant - $100.00
Instruction is aimed at encouraging individuals to develop healthy lifestyles, which include activities to enhance fitness and relieve stress. The MoveUP Program is conducted in the exercise science lab located in room 146 of the Physical Education Instructional Facility (PEIF). The exercise science lab is climate controlled and program enrollment is limited to provide individual attention, as well as access to equipment. Always talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. MoveUP
Sessions Format: Participants may select from sessions that vary from vigorous to low intensity, three days a week for one-hour per session. Each session will have a warm-up, an extended activity portion designed by our graduate students to address muscular endurance, aerobic fitness and/or flexibility along with a cool-down. The specific types of exercise sessions will vary throughout the semester providing participants the fun of experiencing multiple types of fitness activities and allowing our graduate students with valuable experience of designing and instructing many different fitness programs. The fitness sessions may include circuits, boot camp, yoga, walking / running intervals, resistance training, body weight routines, and many others.
MoveUP Fitness Testing: In the beginning and ending weeks of the semester, participants will have the opportunity (optional, but included in the cost) to have fitness testing conducted that will include body composition (DEXA), resting heart rate, submaximal VO2 test, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance.
MoveUP Program Staff: Graduate assistants and interns in Exercise Science and Applied Exercise Science and Health majors Kyle Bolen MA, USAW-SPC, Coordinator Registration/Inquiries: Please contact Christy Johnson in the School of Health and Human Performance, christyj@nmu.edu. Call (906) 227-2528 with questions.