Dr. Mark Flaherty directs one of the NMU Jazz Ensembles

NMU Jazz Festival- Opening Concert

The 2025 NMU Jazz Festival will be held on the beautiful campus of Northern Michigan University on Thursday and Friday, March 20-21. High school and middle school jazz bands from throughout the region will participate in a variety of performances and clinics, and an exciting evening performance will showcase NMU students, faculty, and guest clinicians.

This year's festival will feature drummer Matt Wilson, who has released thirteen albums as a leader, appeared on more than 400 others as a sideman, and has played with an impressive array of some of the most legendary names in jazz. He is a fantastic drummer, bandleader, and educator, and we are very happy that he will be joining us for this year's event. Please visit his website (www.mattwilsonjazz.com) to learn more about his recent projects.

Thursday, Mar 20, 2025

Start Time:  7:30 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status




Jazz Ensembles

Primary Contact

Music Department

Contact Phone Number

(906) 227-2563

Contact Email


Ticket Cost

General Admission $12, NMU Students and Youth (18 and under) $0

Ticket Link