Northern Now: A Celebrated Archeological Discovery in the U.P.
Join us as we welcome local archeologist Jim Paquette ’74 BS as he details “The Find of a Thousand Lifetimes,” the story of Michigan’s historic 1987 discovery and subsequent excavation of one of the most remarkable archaeological finds ever uncovered in the Upper Great Lakes region. A 2022 Alumni Achievement Award recipient, Jim will recount his fascinating story of this celebrated archaeological discovery, which was identified alongside fellow NMU graduate John Gorto ’74 BS, ’76 MA. The duo discovered a large treasure trove of 10,000-year-old Late Paleo-Indian/Early Archaic period projectile points while conducting an archaeological survey within the drained reservoir bed of the Deer Lake Basin near Ishpeming, Michigan. The 1987 unearthing of this cache of incredibly ancient stone spear points in Ishpeming Township has since been described by researchers as being “the Upper Peninsula’s greatest archaeological discovery of the 20th century.”
After the presentation, Jim will take participant questions LIVE. The event is free and registration is required. Once you register, you will receive the link to the live stream.