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Post Student Jobs in Handshake

The Career Services office has a great tool for posting jobs/internships, signing up for job fairs, and much more!  Handshake is our all-in-one web system for students, faculty, staff, employers, and alumni.  We currently have over 12,500 employers in Handshake and that’s steadily growing! On average, our office approves 30 new employers (from all over the world) and 100 jobs (full-time, part-time, summer jobs and internships) into Handshake each day!

With Handshake, you can:

  • Post on-campus jobs and internships (including Graduate Assistantships)
  • Manage and receive applications online
  • Register online for job fairs
  • Search for available jobs with your students

Click here to find more information!

Thank you for the support and experience that you provide to our student employees.  If you have any questions regarding student employment or Handshake, please feel free to contact our office at 227-2800. 

Sunday, Aug 9, 2020

Monday, Aug 10, 2020

Saturday, Apr 11, 2020

Event Status


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Career Services

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