Military Science at NMU
Earn a commission directly after graduation and/or a minor in military science. Regardless of your intent, the Military Science program at NMU teaches leadership skills that are highly sought after in both the public and private sectors.
Find required courses, additional courses offered and minor information below.
MS 139 Leadership and Confidence Building: 1 cr. (0-0-2)
MS 139 is part of the Basic Course in the Army ROTC pre-commissioning program. The Basic Course is the first and second part of a two-part program (MS 139 & MS 159) for the Military Science Level I students (freshmen). This class is not a prerequisite for enrollment in MS 159 but it is strongly encouraged. This course is required for the Military Science Minor.
MS 159 Leadership, Confidence Building, and Winter Training: 1 cr. (0-0-2)
MS 159 class is not a prerequisite for enrollment in MS 239 but it is strongly encouraged. This course is required for the Military Science Minor.This course continues the introduction to military leadership techniques and confidence building with a concentration on outdoor winter training. Students are also introduced to communication, ethics instruction, and the role of the U.S. Army. Leadership and confidence building are taught through the application of learned skills during hands-on training including snowshoeing, rappelling, orienteering, winter survival, and first aid.
Course work for this class focuses upon eight areas of military knowledge and skills: Personal Courage, Leadership, Ethics, Land Navigation, Oral & Written Communications, Time Management, Problem Solving Skills, Safety and Organization of the Army.
MS 239 Leadership at the Unit Level: 1 cr. (2-0-1)
Corequisite: Contracted cadets must participate in weekly Leadership Labs.
This class is part of the Basic Course for the Army ROTC pre-commissioning program. These parts of the program (MS 239 – MS 259) are for the Military Science Level II students (sophomores). This class is not a prerequisite for enrollment in MS 259 but it is strongly encouraged. This is a required course for the Military Science Minor.
MS 259 Troop Leader Training: 1 cr. (2-0-1)
Corequisite: Contracted cadets must participate in weekly Leadership Labs.
This class is part of the Basic Course for the Army ROTC pre-commissioning program. These parts of the program (MS 239 – MS 259) are for the Military Science Level II students (sophomore). This class is not a prerequisite for enrollment in MS 339 but it is strongly encouraged. This is a required course for the Military Science Minor.
This class includes the study of tactics, command, and planning procedures for the Army's basic combat unit, the infantry rifle squad. Land navigation, communication, ethics, professionalism, and the role of the Army are also covered. Self-confidence building exercises are implemented. Leadership labs supplement the instruction by allowing students to assume junior leadership roles.This class includes advanced individual tactical training centered around leadership and tactical orders.
MS 290 American Military History: 4 cr.
MS 339 Advanced Leadership Training: 4 cr. (3-0-2)
Prerequisite: Completion of the Basic Course and/or with department permission.
Corequisite: Contracted cadets must participate in weekly Leadership Labs.
This class is part of the Advanced Course in the Army ROTC pre-commissioning program. This is the first part of a two-part program (MS 339-MS 359) for the Military Science Level III student (junior). This class is not a prerequisite for enrollment in MS 359 but it is strongly encouraged. This course is required for the Military Science Minor.
Students will study the techniques of junior officer leadership. This course examines leadership skills such as counseling, coordination, communication, and delegation of authority. The science of command and control through personal leadership is practiced. Military skills are taught in preparation for the Cadet Leaders Course which is a required training course for contracted ROTC cadets.
MS 359 Applied Leadership Training: 4 cr. (3-0-2)
Prerequisite: MS 339 and/or with department permission.
Corequisite: Contracted cadets must participate in weekly Leadership Labs.
This class is part of the Advanced Course in the Army ROTC pre-commissioning program. This is the second part of a two-part program (MS 339-MS 359) for the Military Science Level III student (junior). This course is required the Military Science Minor.
This class includes the duties and responsibilities of a junior officer, with emphasis on the leader's role in planning, directing, coordinating individual and team training, and in motivating subordinates through human relations and counseling skills. It also covers the principles of command, control, and leadership techniques. Military skills are taught in preparation for the Cadet Leaders Course.
MS 439 Leadership: 4 cr. (3-0-2)
Prerequisites: MS 339 and MS 359, junior standing and/or with department permission.
Corequisite: Contracted cadets must participate in weekly Leadership Labs.
This class is part of the Advanced Course in the Army ROTC pre-commissioning program. This is the first part of a two-part program (MS 439-MS 459) for the Military Science Level IV student (senior). In this course, you will discuss staff organizations, functions and processes and analyze counseling responsibilities and methods. You will learn the Army training management system and apply it to the training program within the Wildcat Battalion. You will also examine principles of subordinate motivation and organizational change, and apply leadership and problem solving principles to a complex case study/simulation. This course is required for the Military Science Minor.
Course work for this class focuses on:
- Understanding of the role of the professional U.S. Army officer in order to make effective career decisions.
- Understanding and practical application of Army training doctrine and the Army Training Management System; knowledge in coordination of staff activities.
- Practical application and experience in effective communications.
- Understanding and application of counseling theories and practices.
- Understanding of stress management; understanding and application of leadership theory and principles; and understanding of Risk Management.
MS 459 Team Development: 4 cr. (3-0-2)
Prerequisite: MS 439, junior standing and/or with department permission.
Corequisite: Contracted cadets must participate in weekly Leadership Labs.
This class is part of the Advanced Course in the Army ROTC pre-commissioning program. This is the second part of a two-part program (MS 439-MS 459) for the Military Science Level IV student (senior). In this course, you will learn the basic foundation in military law and develop further skills in leadership and military science. You will also learn practical information and procedures to assist cadet transition to officer, and culminate the ROTC learning experience in the form of a semester-long activity whereby cadets can integrate, apply and demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of military leadership. This course is required for the Military Science Minor.
Course work for this class focuses on:
- Understanding of the role of the professional U.S. Army officer in making ethical decisions.
- Understanding and practical application of military law and the law of warfare.
- Knowledge and practical experience in coordination of staff activities.
- Practical application and experience in effective oral and written communications.
- Further understanding and knowledge of military tactical doctrine.
- Further understanding and practical experience in the Military Decision Making Process.
- Understanding and application of leadership theory and principles.
- Understanding of Risk Management.
- Understanding of current and future threats and technology.
- Knowledge and practical experience in preparation for the transition to their first professional assignment.
Additional Courses Offered
MS 269 Army Physical Fitness Training: 1 cr. (0-0-3)
Through this course, you will gain an understanding of the Army Physical Fitness Training Program. Additionally, the student will learn physical fitness training techniques and procedures that will improve the overall individual level of fitness and help in the development of an individual fitness ethos. This class will meet in the Superior Dome/PEIF on M, W, and F. This class can count towards the HP elective for graduation requirements.
MS 279 Army Leadership Analysis: 2 cr.
A self-directed course designed to introduce the student to the influence selected members of American military history have had on the professional development of the American military and America in general. Using the Army FM 6-22 and Army Leadership manuals, students will research and analyze the leadership and contributions to the profession of arms of an historical figure. Students will meet with the instructor weekly and prepare a written analysis and oral presentation no less than 20 minutes in length.
MS 280 Battle Analysis: 2 cr.
A self-directed course designed to introduce the student to military history and the battle analysis methodology as a tool for studying problems in military history and drawing appropriate lessons from the analysis. Students will use the textbook FM 100-5 Operations supplemented with additional handouts: "Fundamental Concepts in the Language of the Military Profession," "The Relevance of Kasserine," "Bring back the Principles of War" and "The Basic Battle Analysis Methodology Study Guide." Students will meet with the instructor weekly.
Military Science Minor
The military science minor is an excellent complement to any major. Any student at NMU can complete the military science minor. Those students intending to progress in the professional world will find these classes invaluable. Entrance into the program imposes no military obligation of any sort. The minor requires a total of 24 credits. Additional optional courses are offered to broaden the experience for students. Substitutions may be considered with department permission.
Total Credits Required for Minor
Total Credits Required for Minor: 24
Basic Course: 4 cr.
MS 139 Leadership and Confidence Building 1 cr.
MS 159 Leadership, Confidence Building and Winter Training 1 cr.
MS 239 Leadership at the Unit Level 1 cr.
MS 259 Troop Leadership Training 1 cr.
Advanced Course: 16 cr.
MS 339 Advanced Leadership Training 4 cr.
MS 359 Applied Leadership Training 4 cr.
MS 439 Leadership 4 cr.
MS 459 Leadership and Team Development 4 cr.
Supplemental Core Course: 4 cr.
MS 290 American Military History