UPTLC 2023 - NMU Registration and Transportation Information

Registration for the Upper Peninsula Teaching and Learning Conference is now open, and the Deans have once again generously agreed to cover the registration costs for NMU faculty and graduate students, as well as support staff in related roles (if you aren't sure if you qualify, please double check with your Dean). 

This year the UPTLC will be hosted by Lake Superior State University on May 15 and 16:

  • The pre-conference on May 15 is a half day workshop with Dr. Christy Price entitled Why Don’t My Students Think I’m Groovy: The New R’s for Engaging Modern Learners.

  • The main conference on May 16 will include 28 sessions plus poster presentations.  Lunch will be provided.  The schedule of presentations is available on the conference website.  Don't register on the website, though--there is a special NMU registration link below.  

The Center for Teaching and Learning will provide transportation to the conference at no charge to NMU attendees. Seating may be limited, but we will do our best to accommodate everyone who indicates when registering that they want to ride with us.

Because LSSU is a three hour drive from Marquette and the conference starts at 8:00 am, all CTL-sponsored transportation will leave on Monday. There will be at least one vehicle that travels Monday morning in order to arrive in time for the pre-conference workshop, and at least one vehicle that leaves Monday evening. All vehicles will return to Marquette on Tuesday, departing shortly after the last conference sessions. In addition to covering registration for the conference and pre-conference, the Deans will pay for on campus housing on the LSSU campus the night of May 15.  

Note:  Any additional costs, including, but not limited to, meals, alternative transportation, or a lodging option other than the dormitories, will not be covered by the Deans or the CTL.

Interested?  Register by April 21 to facilitate submitting our registrations in bulk.