The General Education Council (GEC) is a standing Senate committee comprised of elected faculty representatives and permanent administrative members. The charge of the GEC is the oversight and management of the General Education Program and includes the following responsibilities:
- Develop and implement an assessment plan of General Education Program learning outcomes.
- Develop and review division outcome goals and criteria for general education and world cultures courses and make recommendations to the Academic Senate.
- Implement the addition and removal of courses from the General Education Program based on established division outcome goals and corresponding assessment data.
- Review and evaluate all courses taught for general education credit on an ongoing basis (3-year cycle).
- Annually, elect a Chair and provide a report to the Academic Senate.
The General Education Council also provides oversight for the University Graduation Requirements program. The charge of the GEC in this area is
- to ensure that Graduation Requirement proposals have enough information for Senate evaluation; they will identify issues and concerns and compile them for the Senate. The GEC will not approve or disapprove a proposal on their own initiative, but the GEC may submit a review and/or evaluation of the proposal to the Senate with the proposal;
- to provide oversight and assessment of existing University Graduation Requirements.
Who serves on the General Education Council?
- AAUP faculty members are elected by a vote of the AAUP faculty and serve staggered three-year terms. Council members may be reelected. Service on the General Education Council begins upon election.
- Two each from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies.
- One from the College of Business/Academic Information Services.
- Two at-large representatives.
- No more than one faculty council member can be from a single department.
- Three ex-officio voting members also permanently serve on the council: the Registrar, Director of General Education, Director of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation.
- Two ASNMU Student Representatives.