For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Interdisciplinary and Individually Created Programs department page.

Total Credits Required 127-133
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Professional Education37
ED 201 Introduction to Education 2
ED 231 Teaching for Learning in the Secondary Classroom 4
ED 301 Dimensions of American Education 2
ED 319 Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers 3
ED 349 Teaching for Diversity, Equity and Social Justice in the Secondary School Community 2
ED 361 Special Education and the General Classroom Teacher 2
ED 430 Teaching in the Secondary School 11
ED 450 Seminar in Teaching 1
ED 483 Educational Media Technology 2
MSED 340 Fundamental Concepts in Science 4
MSED 350 Methods and Materials in Teaching Science Education 4

Total Credits Required for Major56-57
Biology Education Concentration20-24
BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles [Div II] 4
BI 112 Introductory Biology: Diversity [Div II] 4
BI 210 Principles of Ecology 4
BI 312 Genetics 4
Biology Electives4-5
    Choose one course from the following:
         BI 202 Human Physiology (5 cr.)
         BI 303 General Microbiology (5 cr.)
         BI 315 Evolution (4 cr.)
         BI 327 Animal Physiology (4 cr.)
         BI 406 Advanced Cell Biology (4 cr.)
         BI 431 Plant Physiology (4 cr.)
Chemistry Electives14
CH 111 General Chemistry I [Div II] 5
CH 112 General Chemistry II [Div II] 5
CH 215 Chemistry of the Elements 4
Earth Science Electives12
AS 103 Observational and Solar System Astronomy [Div II] 4
GC 255 Physical Geology [Div II] 4
GC 385 Weather and Climate 4
Physics Electives10
PH 201 College Physics I [Div II] 5
PH 202 College Physics II [Div II] 5

Note: MA 104 College Algebra with Applications or MA 105 College Algebra for Calculus Preparation is required for many of the courses in this program.