After admission to the program, students must complete at least 16 more credit hours, regardless of the number of hours already completed. A “C” (2.00) average must be maintained for all program courses.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Liberal Arts and Sciences Program department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 64
Liberal Studies32
EN 111 College Composition I 4
EN 211 College Composition II [Div I] 4
Humanities Electives8
Must be from more than one discipline.
Natural Science/Mathematics Electives8
Must be from more than one discipline; one course must be a laboratory science.
Social Sciences8
Must be from more than one discipline.

Health Promotion1
HP 200 Physical Well Being 1

Program Electives31

Note: Students may not use any course to meet more than one degree requirement. Courses in the program concentration must be approved by the program director, who will submit the approved list to the Registrar's Office. Any changes in the program must have the approval of the director.