Completion of this major’s required English courses, a teaching minor and the professional education sequence leads to certification as a secondary school teacher in English.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the English department page.

Total Credits Required 136-138*
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements 2
Required Courses in Major*36-38
English Courses19-20
EN 200 Basic English Grammar and Usage for Teachers *2
EN 280 Patterns and Continuity of the Literary Past I 1
EN 281 Patterns and Continuity of the Literary Past II 1
EN 282 Introduction to Literature 4
EN 309 The Teaching of Writing 4
EN 404 The English Language 4
EN 420 Shakespeare 3 - 4
British Literature Survey or Period Course3-4
Choose from the following:
EN 283 Survey of British Literature I (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 284 Survey of British Literature II (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 312 Medieval British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 320 Renaissance British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 322 Restoration Eighteenth Century British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 330 British Romantic Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 340 Victorian Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 360 Modern British Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 382 British Literature 1960 to Present (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 412 Chaucer (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 422 Milton (3 - 4 cr.)
American Literature Survey4
Choose from the following:
EN 370 American Literature I: Columbus to the American Revolution (1492-1800) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 371 American Literature II: Emergent National Voices (1800-1865) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 372 American Literature III: Realism, Naturalism, through WWI (1865-1930) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 373 American Literature IV: Modern Voices (1930-1970) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 376 American Literature V: Contemporary Voices (1970-Present) (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 378 Early African-American Literature (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 379 Modern African-American Literature (4 cr.) [Div I]
Genre Course3-4
Choose from the following:
EN 361 Studies in Genre, Poetry (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 362 Studies in Genre, Narrative (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 363 Studies in Genre, Drama (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 364 Studies in Genre, Film (3 - 4 cr.)
EN 410 Genres of Writing (1 - 4 cr.)
World Literature/Diverse Traditions Course3-4
Choose from the following:
EN 250 Images of Women (4 cr.)
EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 311Z World Literature in English (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 314 Traditional Oral Literatures: Selected Native American Cultures (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 316 Native American Novels and Poetry (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 317 Native American Drama, Nonfiction and Short Stories (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 375 Diverse Traditions in American Literature (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 375Z Diverse Traditions in American Literature (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 378 Early African-American Literature (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 379 Modern African-American Literature (4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 411 Topics in World Literature (3 - 4 cr.) [Div I]
EN 440 Topics in Gender in Literature (3 - 4 cr.)
English Electives2-7

Teaching Minor Minimum24

Professional Education33
ED 201 Introduction to Education 2
ED 231 Teaching for Learning in the Secondary Classroom 4
ED 301 Dimensions of American Education 2
ED 319 Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers 3
ED 349 Teaching for Diversity, Equity and Social Justice in the Secondary School Community 2
EN 350 Methods and Materials in Teaching English Education 4
ED 361 Special Education and the General Classroom Teacher 2
ED 483 Educational Media Technology 2
ED 430 Teaching in the Secondary School 11
ED 450 Seminar in Teaching 1

*EN 200 Basic English Grammar and Usage for Teachers is not required for any student who successfully completes a 100 or 200 level language course. EN 200 may be completed by examination. For information, contact the department.