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Individual Art Review

AD 303 Individual Art Review 2 cr.
  • Offered: Fall Winter
  • Graded: S/U
  • Prerequisites: AD 101 and 270 with C- minimum grade; completion or concurrent enrollment in 2D Studio, 3D Studio, and Digital Studio Foundation courses with C- minimum grade; completion or concurrent enrollment in selected 300-level studio concentration; permission of the instructor of the studio concentration. Students must attain a “B-” (2.70) average in their concentration to enroll.
  • Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.

In this course students will develop resumes, statements of intent, and portfolio presentations to be reviewed and evaluated by a small panel of faculty. Emphasis is placed on evidence of technical mastery, control of composition and design, and the successful development of ideas and concepts within the portfolio.


Although this course may be repeated, students receiving either two “U” grades or who withdraw twice from the course will not be allowed to continue in the program.

Media and Methodology for Art Education

AD 302 Media and Methodology for Art Education 4 cr.
  • Offered: Offered every third semester. Consult with adviser for which semester course will be offered.
  • Prerequisites: Admission into pre-methods phase of the School of Education, Leadership and Public Service, ED 201, ED 231, ED 301 and AD 248. AD 248 with a minimum grade of “B” and a minimum GPA of 2.7 in the department.
  • Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.

To explore a variety of media used in the art classroom and to gain knowledge, values and skills in writing comprehensive art education lessons. To implement lesson plans in the schools/museums for practical application.

Art and Ideas in Asian Civilizations

AD 300 Art and Ideas in Asian Civilizations 4 cr.

Engages the formative ideas and artistic traditions of India, China and Japan. Considers the intersection of social forms, intellectual patterns, religious beliefs and aesthetic expressions within each cultural tradition.

Associate Research

AD 299 Associate Research 4 cr. Individual study with an instructor of a particular studio concentration exploring and using techniques, materials and processes. It must be taken at the hours for regularly presented studio classes in the concentration.

History of Photography

AD 280 History of Photography 4 cr.

A study of the photographic medium as a means of political, technological, philosophical and creative endeavors from the invention of the daguerreotype to digital imaging. The history will be presented within the context of the development of genres demonstrating the reciprocal effect of the medium with society.

Concepts and Culture

AD 270 Concepts and Culture 4 cr.

This course engages in the direct experiential understanding and development of ideas and intentions within art and design. The emphasis is on understanding the relationship of art/design and its maker to culture at-large as a method of contextualizing a student’s current and future work. The comparative study of cultural products, visual representation, and visual conditioning, both historically and in contemporary society, will be discussed.

Art and Architecture of Japan

AD 265 Art and Architecture of Japan 4 cr. Survey of the visual arts and architecture of Japan from prehistory to the present. Includes consideration of the core values that are expressed through Japanese art.
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