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Biology at NMU

The Biology Department offers three programs of graduate study that lead to a master of science degree. Students in the master of science degree program in Biology or Integrated Biosciences create individual programs of study that are designed to meet specific needs. Students in the master of science in Postsecondary Biology Education train specifically to teach biology at the collegiate level.

Master of Science in Biology

The thesis program in Biology may be broadly based and include course work in several areas of biology, or it may provide for concentration within a specific area of biology.  One of the strengths of these master’s degree programs is that they provide the opportunity for students to participate in an in‐depth graduate research project. Many of these projects utilize field-oriented research because of the unique geographical setting of the university. Laboratory research is also supported in such areas as neurobiology, genetics, virology, immunology and physiology.  Department facilities include a green house, aquatics laboratory, herbarium, Lake Superior research boat, the Longyear Forest, confocal microscope, molecular biology labs, a small‐animal colony, and a zoological collection. The members of the Biology Department faculty all have doctoral degrees, and most are actively involved in the department’s graduate program. Thesis advisors for students in this program are drawn from the Biology Department faculty who maintain graduate faculty Level 3 status.

M.S. in Biology Program Mission

The graduate program in Biology provides quality graduate education through student-faculty collaboration in biological research and scholarly activity. Graduates will have a strong understanding of biology and the principles that guide the design and execution of high-quality research. Graduates will have substantial research experience and will be able to successfully communicate scientific information to the public and the scientific community.

M.S. in Biology Program Requirements

Programs must include a minimum of 32 credit hours of graduate courses. A minimum of 16 credit hours must be 500‐level courses in biology. A minimum of 20 credit hours of biology courses are required. Graduate students must carry out a plan of study which includes research and thesis. Candidates must perform original research under the direction of a research adviser from the Biology Department and present a seminar and thesis based on the research at the conclusion of their program. The student's advisory committee must approve a formal research proposal providing a review of literature and clear explanation of methods prior to the start of data collection. The candidate will defend his or her thesis at an oral examination. The thesis must be accepted by the Biology Department and the College of Graduate Studies. Additional guidelines and policies are available in the Master of Science in Biology Student Handbook.

Master of Science in Integrated Biosciences

The Master of Science degree program in Integrated Biosciences is designed to meet the needs of students with an interests in the intersection of biology and the other sciences, technology and engineering fields such as chemistry, physics, geology, atmospherics, climatology, mathematics and computer science. Student thesis projects in this program emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of natural sciences and biology, drawing on diverse knowledge bases and skill sets. Projects are developed at the discretion of the student and the student’s interdisciplinary graduate advisory committee. The advisory committee will review the student’s background and determine what training and/or coursework will be required.

M.S. in Integrated Biosciences Mission

The Master of Science program in Integrated Biosciences provides quality graduate education through student‐faculty collaboration in interdisciplinary natural science research and scholarly activity with links to biology. Graduates will have a strong understanding of interdisciplinary natural sciences and the principles that guide the design and execution of high‐quality research. Graduates will have substantial research experience and will be able to successfully communicate scientific information to the public and the scientific community.

M.S. in Integrated Biosciences Program Requirements

Programs must include a minimum of 32 credit hours of graduate courses. A minimum of 16 credit hours must be 500‐level courses. A minimum of 7‐8 credit hours of biology courses are required. Students must complete 7‐8 credits in one other natural science or mathematics/computer science departments (denoted by course prefix). Remaining credits may be drawn from listed courses at the discretion of the student and his/her advisory committee. Graduate students must carry out a plan of study which includes research and thesis. Candidates must perform original research under the direction of a research adviser and present a seminar and thesis based on the research at the conclusion of their program. Students in this program may receive primary mentorship by a research advisor in a natural sciences, mathematics or computer science discipline who maintains Level 3 graduate faculty status at NMU. The student's advisory committee must approve a formal research proposal providing a review of literature and clear explanation of methods prior to the start of data collection. The candidate will defend his or her thesis at an oral examination. The thesis must be accepted by the Master of Science in Integrated Biosciences Advisory Board and the College of Graduate Studies.

Master of Science in Postsecondary Biology Education

The master of science in Postsecondary Biology Education is tailored to those interested in teaching biology in a college setting, particularly in community colleges.  Offered jointly by the Departments of Biology and Education, Leadership & Public Service.  This two year program, including summer session, is focused on coursework in both graduate-level biology concepts and educational instruction.  It includes both research experience in biology and hands-on instructional practice.

M.S. in Postsecondary Education Program Mission

The Postsecondary Biology Education program provides a high-quality biology education coupled with focused educational instruction that combines to equip graduates with the scientific and educational skills required to teach biology in the college setting.  Graduates will have experience in multiple biological disciplines and an understanding of the scientific research process.  Graduates will also understand the concepts of educational instruction at the college level.



Bulletin Year: 2022 - 2023 Graduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.