Studying economics at Northern Michigan University will give you a better understanding of the world and its many complicated issues. Economic factors drive many (dare we say most?) actions that take place on a global, national and local level.
Majoring or minoring in economics prepares you for work in government, education, law, business and financial fields, insurance, journalism and foreign affairs -- to name just a few areas.
In government, jobs that an economics degree would be beneficial for include: foreign service officer, Peace Corps/VISTA volunteer, FBI/CIA agent, public policy maker, intellegience specialist, U.S. Treasury officer, elected official, budget analyst.
In business and industry, understanding economics would help you if you are a marketing analyst, research analyst, stockbroker, sales or marketing representative, financial planner, real estate agent.
The banking and financial fields rely on people with strong economic analyzing skills, such as financial analyst, economic forecaster, bank examiner and loan counselor. The media also have a demand for reporters, journalists and columnists who understand economic factors and issues.