(This listing is to be used as a reference and is not intended to mean that all or most of these sources need to be used in any given search.)
Where to Place an Ad
When placing an ad for a position, every effort should be made to see that all advertisements reach a diverse population.
It is important that jobs are posted appropriately. Hourly and biweekly positions should be advertised locally. Administrative positions generally require a regional or national search; and faculty positions (two-year term and above) generally require a national search.
Listed below are some suggestions on places to advertise. This list is neither exclusive nor exhaustive. The best place to advertise may be publications unique to the particular specialty or field. If you have questions on where a position should be advertised, please contact the Equal Opportunity Office at 227-2420.
Local Advertisers
Local advertisements would include advertisements in Marquette and the surrounding counties: Alger, Baraga, Delta, Dickinson, Iron, and Menominee.
- Michigan Works!
- Northern Michigan University Human Resources Website, Dial-A-Job, and Channel 20 (faculty positions are not advertised here)
- Northern Michigan University Career Services
Regional Advertisers
Regional advertisements would include advertisements in Michigan and surrounding states: IL, MN, OH, and WI. Advertisement should include journals, newspapers, and university placement offices that offer the degree required for the position. Common newspaper resources:
- Ann Arbor News
- Chicago – Tribune
- Detroit Free Press
- Green Bay Press Gazette
- Flint - Journal
- Lansing - State Journal
- Milwaukee – Journal & Sentinel
- Minneapolis – Star & Tribune
- Sault Ste. Marie - News
- UP Advantage
National Advertising and Recruiting
Please verify the cost before making a posting decision. Online advertising is not accessible by all so it should not be the only form of advertising. At least one print ad is encouraged.
Advertising Resources
- Academic Careers Online
- American Association of University Professors
- College and University Personnel Association (CUPA)
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Government Jobs
- Higher Education Jobs - jobs in Higher Education and its Affirmative Action e-mail list
- JobsOnLine – Monster Job Search
- Universityjobs.com
Targeted Diversity Recruiting Resources:
General Diversity Resources
- Issues in Higher Education
- The National Employment Minority Network Inc. (NEMNET)
- American Educational Research Association
- Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc.
- IMDiversity
- Outreach Organizations List
Asian Recruitment Resources
African American Recruitment Resources
Disability Recruitment Resources
- AAPD Career Center
- ABILITYJobs.com
- Ability Links
- Association of People Supporting Employment First
- Disabled Person
- Employer Assistance Recruiting Network (EARN)
- Getting Hired
Hispanic Recruitment Resources
- Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE)
- Hispanic Jobs
- Hispanic Outlook in Higher Ed
- Latinos in Higher Education
- Prospanica
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
Native American Recruitment Resources
- American Indian Science & Eng. Society (AISES)
- Native American Jobs Web Site
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
Veteran Recruiting Resources
- VetJobs
- American Legion
- Be a Hero Hire a Hero
- Hire Heroes USA
- Job Opportunities for Disabled American Veterans
- Military.com
- MilitaryHire.com
- Military Vet Jobs
- Military 2 Career
- National Association of Black Veterans
- Recruit Military
- Veterans Enterprise
Women Recruitment Resources
- American Association of University Women (AAUW)
- American Physical Society -Committee on the Status of Women in Physics, Committee on Minorities in Physics
- Association for Women in Mathematics
- Association for Women in Science
- Women in Higher Education Jobs
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Recruitment Resources
Other Resources
- Faculty members may be able to identify people they know, or know by reputation, who can be contacted as sources of potential candidates. Be creative and use your professional connections and resources to maximize our recruiting for the best possible candidates.