Faculty Jazz Trio Concert

NMU Dept. of Music Logo

Reynolds Recital Hall

The Faculty Jazz Trio will present their portion of the 2021 Fall Concert Series on Wednesday, November 3rd at 7:30pm! Admission is free and live streaming is available!

Wednesday, Nov 3, 2021

Start Time:  7:30 pm
End Time:  9:00 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status


Event Website



NMU Jazz

Primary Contact

NMU Department of Music, Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Ticket Cost


NMU Choral Invitational Concert

2019 University Choir 2

Reynolds Recital Hall

Join us for the annual NMU Choral Invitational Concert on Monday, October 18th at 7:30pm! Admission is free and live streaming is available!

Monday, Oct 18, 2021

Start Time:  7:30 pm
End Time:  9:00 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status


Event Website



NMU Choirs

Primary Contact

NMU Department of Music, Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Ticket Cost


NMU Orchestra Concert

2018 Orchestra

Reynolds Recital Hall

Join the NMU Orchestra for their first concert of the 2021 Fall Concert Series on Thursday, October 14th at 7:30pm! Admission is free and live steaming will be available!

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021

Start Time:  7:30 pm
End Time:  9:00 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status


Event Website



NMU Orchestra

Primary Contact

NMU Department of Music, Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Ticket Cost


NMU Jazz Ensembles Concert

2018 Jazz Band

Reynolds Recital Hall

Join the NMU Jazz Ensembles for their first concert of the 2021 Fall Concert Series on Monday, September 27th at 7:30 pm! Admission is free and live steaming will be available!

Monday, Sep 27, 2021

Start Time:  7:30 pm
End Time:  9:00 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status




Jazz Ensembles

Primary Contact

NMU Department of Music, Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Ticket Cost

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