Welcome to Library and Instructional Support.The four units in LIS are committed to working together to provide the information and technology resources and support that you need to succeed at Northern Michigan University.
I encourage you to take advantage of all that LIS has to offer. We work hard to create an environment that serves your needs. Please let us know how we’re doing and how we can continue to improve. Your feedback is very important.
Best wishes,
Leslie Warren
Dean, Library and Instructional Support
Library and Instructional Support supports teaching, learning, scholarship, and community outreach activities by providing information resources, access to educational technology, and instructional services to help students and employees acquire information and technology skills that contribute to lifelong learning and productive citizenship.
Beaumier Heritage Center
The Beaumier Heritage Center, a historical museum and educational facility, promotes and preserves the history and culture of the Upper Peninsula through exhibitions and public programs.
Central Upper Peninsula Archives
The Central Upper Peninsula Archives inspires scholarship and creativity by partnering with our University community as teachers and curators of information in a supportive, collaborative environment.
Center for Teaching and Learning
Instructional Design and Technology including the Center for Teaching and Learning, promotes and facilitates teaching and learning by providing tools, professional development opportunities, and resources that enable faculty to deliver and enhance pedagogically sound courses and programs.
Lydia M. Olson Library
Lydia M. Olson Library inspires scholarship and creativity by partnering with our University community as teachers and curators of information in a supportive, collaborative environment.
Contact Us

Office Location:
205 Harden Hall